The Reformation
Early Reformers John Wyclif (1328-1384) England, Oxford Theologian Claims: No basis in scripture to support papal authority Bible as the sole authority Rejected all practices not in scripture (pilgrimage, veneration of saints, sacraments)
John Hus (1374-1415) Bohemia (Czech) Attacked corrupt clergy and power of the pope Gained some political support Called to the Council of Constance to discuss ideas Arrested and burned at the stake for heresy
Who is the third pre-reformer we have discussed? Wyclif Hus Erasmus
Causes of the Reformation Social Renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to question the Church The printing press helped to spread ideas that criticized the Church
Political Powerful monarchs challenged the Church as the supreme power in Europe Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority
Economic European princes and kings were jealous of the Church’s wealth Merchants and others resented having to pay taxes to the Church
Religious Some Church leaders had become worldly and corrupt Many people found Church practices such as the sale of indulgences unacceptable
Introducing . . .
Martin Luther
A Law Student Caught in a Thunderstorm In 1505, returning to university from a trip home, Luther gets caught in a thunderstorm Lightening Strikes the ground near Luther and he cries out "Help me, St. Anne!” "I will become a monk!“ Pilgrimage to Rome-Saw corruption of the Chruch
Luther’s Three Main Ideas Luther said salvation by faith alone Church said that faith and good works were needed Luther said that Church teachings should be clearly connected to the Bible Luther said Pope was a false authority who else thought this? Luther said all people with faith were equal Did not need priests to interpret for them