UPDATE ON DISTRIBUTION OF AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 FUNDS Presented to the City Council by Reid Rector, Governmental Relations Director Randle Harwood, Program Management Office Director March 3, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Staff expects the RTC and the Texas Transportation Commission to take action this Thursday on the allocation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds $133.9 million ARRA funds will be allocated by the RTC to the Southwest Parkway $134.5 million to go to the I-35W/I-820 interchange Benefits include: Construction can start on the Southwest Parkway/I-20 interchange this fall to meet federal guidelines of the ARRA funding Significant funding is identified for one of our priority transportation projects – the I-35W/I-820 Interchange
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Southwest Parkway/I-20 Construction Limits
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act I-35W/I-820 Interchange North Tarrant Express Project Corridor Segments I-35W/I-820 Interchange will have a total of $134.56 Million reallocated by RTC from other funding sources to offset the costs of the interchange.