asphyxia hypoxia Definition: cessation of effective respiration Causes: obstruction of respiratory passages circulation is terminated 02 & CO2 Types of obstruction: strangulation: hanging by ligature manual strangulation/throttling suffocation smothering drowning crush asphyxia/traumatic asphyxia choking Hypoxic Anaemic Stagnant Hystotoxic: - extra-cellular - pericellular - substrate - metabolite asphyxia hypoxia
cyanosis on fresh corpse 2 ■ pressure on the neck/interruption on the air passage cyanosis on fresh corpse systemic congestion on the lung and & dilatation of the right heart blood will remain liquid pulmonary edema Tardieu spot bleeding of mucosa pharynx/dorsal cricoid ■ vagal inhibition (reflex cardiac arrest): ventricular fibrillation tachycardi ■ broken neck bone
DROWNING 3 Asphyxia + electrolite problems vagal inhibition laryngeal spasm: - accidents - torture, presumed dead, thrown into water - infanticide - suicide (rare cases) Consciousness decreases after 3 – 10 minutes, resuscitation might help gravitation density< density decomposition/gas fragmentation/rot FRESH WATER -haemodillution haemolysis plasm: K , Na liquid in circulation systole ventricular fibrillation - cerebral anoxia SEA WATER -haemoconcentration: -pulmonary edema -relatively constant systole -hematocrit , Na plasm anoxia myocard blood viscosity -cerebral anoxia heart failure
External Exam. Internal Exam. 4 Temperature Profuse froth on Trachea & oesophagus Diatome test Paltauf Pulmonary edema emphysema aquosum hydroaerique Temperature Livor mortis on chest and head Cutis anserina Profuse froth on the nose and mouth areas Pseudo foam decomposition Tardieu spot Semi erection Cadaveric spasm intra vital & post mortal injuries washer woman hand Internal Exam.