Alcohol What is it? What does it look like? Ethanol (aka ethyl) is the type of alcohol found in beverages and safe for humans to drink (fermented grains and fruits). Ethanol is classified as a depressant, it slows down the CNS. What does it look like? 1 standard drink = 4 oz glass of wine = 12 oz beer = 1 oz shot of hard alcohol = 16 oz wine cooler/”alcopop” (they all contain about the same amount of alcohol). Your body can break down 1 standard drink per hour)
Standard Drink
Got Booze? Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Intoxication The amount of alcohol in an individuals blood .08 for individuals over 21 .01 for individuals under 21 (that means you cannot have ANY alcohol in your system) Intoxication The physical and mental impairment resulting from the use of alcohol
Alcohol Poisoning Can you overdose? Alcohol Poisoning is a dangerous toxic condition that occurs when a person drinks a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time (binge drinking). This is a medical emergency that can result in DEATH! If a person takes less than 12 breaths in 1 minute call 911
ONLY TIME WILL SOBER A PERSON UP!! Myths to sober a person up: Increase their circulation (jumping jacks, brink walk…) Give them something to eat/drink (bread, water, coffee…) Throw cold water on them (put them in a cold shower/bath) What to do: Keep an eye on them Do not let them drive If they need to lie down, place them on their side with their airway un-obstructed Monitor their breathing Remember…your body can only break down alcohol at the rate of 1 standard drink per hour!