1st NCP Forum within Net4Mobility+ MSCA NCP Meeting Brussels, 21st November 2018 1st NCP Forum within Net4Mobility+ Anna Wiśniewska Project Coordinator
NCP FORUM – why we meet ? Project objective MSCA NCPs Project objective to build up and strengthen the coherence and professionalism of the whole MSCA NCP network in order to: - simplifying access of different actors to Horizon 2020 calls, - raised average quality of submitted proposals to MSCA, - increase visibility of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and NCP support. NCP Forum aim - allow MSCA NCPs to be familiar with the project activities and results, - share opinions about the implemented and planned activities, - provide input on how the outcomes can be implemented into the daily work of the MSCA NCPs.
USE THEM Project and MSCA promotion Project tools - website, MSCA NCPs Project tools - website, - social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn - FAQ Blog - banner, slides, presentations - Promotion Strategy USE THEM
https://net4mobilityplus.limequery.com/311128?lang=en Project events in 2019 MSCA NCPs Event type Title Date Country Town Webinar MSCA for 3rd countries 2019.02.21 on-line Training Cross-cutting training 2019.02.26-27 Switzerland Bern Train-the-Trainer 2019.02.27-28 IF: How to attract and retain talents 2019.03.26-27 Italy Venice Open science and Open data 2019.03.28-29 Meeting MSCA NCP 2019. 04.? Belgium Brussels EURAXESS 2019.05. 07-08 Spain Madrid RO Presidency MSCA Conference 2019.06.04-05 Romania Bucharest Meet & Exchange workshop Payment modalities, Employment conditions, Audits 2019.06.17 Austria Vienna 2nd NCP Forum 2019.06.18 Project reporting (Administrative Procedures) 2019.06.24-26 Timisoara Transferable NCP skills Consortium meeting 2019 September/ October Poland Cracow to be defined September/October Twinning activity Train the trainer trainings for widening countries In order to participate you need to fill in a benchmarking questionnaire https://net4mobilityplus.limequery.com/311128?lang=en
Materials developed within the project MSCA NCPs Available: Newcomers Welcome Package + 4 presentations on MSCA issues MSCA Handbooks: 3 for 2017 calls + new for ITN – 2018 ESRs analysis: 2 about 2017 calls (IF) + 1 about ITN 2018 MSCA Evolution Guide: 2nd version November 2018 Set of Graphs: 2 about 2017 calls + 2 about 2018: ITN Presentations on MSCA – training on IF for EURAXESS Worldwide Soon MSCA Handbook for RISE 2018 call ESRs analysis: for RISE 2018 call MSCA Evolution Guide: 3nd version Presentations from TTT Materials from EEN training Recommendations: for widening countries for cooperation with Researchers Networks
Where to find information and results ? MSCA NCPs Project website: https://www.net4mobilityplus.eu/ - Project in a nutshell - MSCA NCPs with details on events, publications, promotional materials - Scientific Community provided with the FAQ Blog, MSCA Handbooks, Success stories, Leaflets and MCAA - MSCA Expressions of Interest helping to find partners - NCP Contacts to make the network more visible - INTRANET serves as the internal project database INTRANET = CIRCABC Library Net4MobilityPlus project - Contractual documents: proposal, reports, …. - Management Handbook: reimbursement rules, Action Plans, templates, … - Project promotion: banners, logo, presentation templates, … - Project events and trainings: documents, presentations, … - Materials developed within the project: Graphs, ESR analysis, Handbooks,…
NCP Forum follow up ? MSCA NCPs document with ideas on how to include the project outcomes into our NCP daily work will be available outcomes list with short description recommendations will be used to make some activities more friendly and tailored to the NCP needs some ideas will be incorporated into the project set of the Key Performance Indicators
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