Rugby Middle School 8 th Grade First Day Info Brochure
Attendance IF you are absent more than 14 days, you fail. Bring notes for absences. No note = unlawful absences = truant officer at your door.
School Hours 7:50-2:50
Anchor Time 7:50-8:23 Read Think Reflect Journal!
Tardies YOU are expected to be PREPARED and SEATED in RT by the Tardy Bell. Once a student has accumulated SEVEN unexcused school tardies, they will be assigned an after school detention and parent conference. Excessive tardies could cause you to miss out on earning a AAA reward card! More info on rewards soon.
Early Dismissal Once a student has accumulated seven unexcused early dismissals, they will be assigned an after school detention and parent conference. You are counted absent if you are dismissed before 11:30 am. Checking out early and absences could also cause you to miss your chance to earn rewards.
no hats, caps or bandanas no spray colored hair no body art or face painting No chains or studded accessories
-Must be two inches below fingertips (including if leggings are worn) must be worn at waist, no pocket chains, no holes above the knee. -Pants must be kept at waist level. NO UNDERGARMENTS can be seen -NO holes and/or CUTS above the knee on any pants!
Footwear wear appropriate and safe shoes no cleats, no roller type shoes
Bus Conduct 1.Act like youre in class 2.No profanity, be courteous 3.No food or drink 4.Keep bus clean 5.Be cooperative 6.No smoking 7.No destruction 8.Stay in seat 9.Keep all body parts in bus 10.You must get a BUS PASS if you are going to ride a different bus…both students MUST have a note to turn into the office in the MORNING. No passes will be given before holidays or the last week of school.
Cafeteria Conduct 1. Throw all trash in appropriate wastebasket - RECYCLE! 2. Return all trays and utensils to dishwashing area 3. Act in a safe and orderly manner - no running, no pushing. 4.Do not leave your place until it is clean. 5. No food or drinks leave the cafeteria. 6. Follow all directions given by adults. 7.You will be dismissed by an adult to go outside.
DRILLS 1. Get in silent line at door. Stay to the right. 2. Leave building through assigned door. 3. Silently line up outside. 4. Remain silent until told to go inside.
DRILLS 1. Get in silent line at door. 2. Move to assigned area in hallway. 3. Silently get in crouched position. 4. Remain silent and in position until told to go back to class.
DRILLS 1.Go immediately to assigned area in class. 2.Teacher will lock door and turn off lights. 3.Be seated and absolutely silent. 4.Listen for further instructions.
Medication Your parents need to fill out a medical form if you need to take prescription or over the counter medicine. ALL medicine is stored in the office. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Athletic Eligibility Requirements All students are eligible to play sports if they have passed 3 of 4 core classes the previous semester, have good attendance and they have a current physical and athletic participation form on file. You cannot be 15 on or before August 31.
Field Trip Requirements If permission slips and money is not turned in by due date, you will NOT go on field trip. Any student can be removed from field trip by principal.
Lockers Locker should be locked when not open. Do not share your combination or your locker space. Do not put anything on outside of locker. Lockers are NOT a students private property and can be opened by school authorities for any reason of suspicion. Lost locks cost $5.
Personal Belongings in Classroom Only students on athletic teams can have a bag in 6th period class. Lost and found is in the office YOU are responsible for ALL of your personal items, in and out of the classrooms
Office Phone Use Students will use the office phone only with a pass from a teacher for a legitimate reason. Students will not receive phone messages until the end of the day. DO not ask to use the phone in the middle of class.
Power School Parent Portal will be replacing Parent Assistant Module for accessing grades online. Login information will be sent home at a future date.
E Readers Students may use personal e-readers if they are reading approved AR books. If caught using a device inappropriately (games, web browsing, etc) YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PRIVILEGES.
Devices Students may use devices before or after school and when given permission by their supervising teacher. Students may carry devices at all times, but turned off and concealed.( games, web browsing, etc) YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PRIVILEGES. There is never permission to use devices in restrooms, locker-rooms, or during class changes. The BIC system will be used to address any violations.*
Pictures and Video Cameras should be kept in lockers. Students may not take video or pictures during the school day without permission from the teacher. Any violation of this will result in an office referral. Posting pictures and video of school activities on the internet without permission could lead to suspensions.
Agenda Books You must keep up with your agenda book at all times. Discipline records are kept in your agendas. Lost agendas will result in consequences. Agendas are used as hall passes.