Flows and Networks Plan for today (lecture 6): Last time / Questions? Jackon network Kelly / Whittle network Interpretation traffic equations Optimal design of a Kelly / Whittle network
Jackson network : Mean sojourn time Simple queues, FCFS, Transition rates Traffic equations Open network Partial balance equations: Equilibrium distribution Sojourn time in each queue: Sojourn time on path i,j,k:
Kelly / Whittle network Transition rates for some functions :S[0,), :S(0,) Traffic equations Open network Partial balance equations: Theorem: Assume then satisfies partial balance, and is equilibrium distribution Kelly / Whittle network
Flows and Networks Plan for today (lecture 6): Last time / Questions? Jackon network Kelly / Whittle network Interpretation traffic equations Optimal design of a Kelly / Whittle network
Interpretation traffic equations Transition rates for some functions :S(0,), Traffic equations Open network Theorem: Suppose that the equilibrium distribution is then and rate jk PROOF
Flows and Networks Plan for today (lecture 6): Last time / Questions? Jackon network Kelly / Whittle network Interpretation traffic equations Optimal design of a Kelly / Whittle network
Optimal design of Kelly / Whittle network (1) Transition rates for some functions :S[0,), :S(0,) Routing rules for open network to clear input traffic as efficiently as possible Cost per time unit in state n : a(n) Cost for routing jk : Design : b_j0=+ : cannot leave from j; sequence of queues Expected cost rate PROOF
Optimal design of Kelly / Whittle network (2) Transition rates Given: input traffic Maximal service rate Optimization problem : minimize costs Under constraints
Optimal design of Kelly / Whittle network (3) Lagrangian (without nonnegativity constraints) Interpretation Lagrange multipliers Theorem : (i) the marginal costs of input satisfy with equality for those nodes j which are used in the optimal design, where (ii) If the routing jkis used in the optimal design the equality holds in (i) and the minimum in the rhs is attained at given k. (iii) If node j is not used in the optimal design then αj =0. If it is used but at less that full capacity then cj =0.
Optimal design of Kelly / Whittle network (4) PROOF: Kuhn-Tucker conditioins Dynamic programming equation: for nodes that are used in the optimal design: For networks with fixed routing or fixed service: Optimize lambda or p
Optimal design of Kelly / Whittle network (5) Some structure is known: Corollary: Suppose Then optimal network has no cycles Dynamic programming equation: for nodes that are used in the optimal design: Notice that cj is also determined by αj This is bridge to deterministic network flow problems.
Next: Multiple job-types General queues Exercises