Uri Attack And it’s subsequent consequences
Introduction The presentation explains the set of events triggered by Uri attack leading to current Issues between India and pakistan.
Kick-start In the early moring sunday(18-sep-2106) , armed miltants entered an army base in garrison town of Uri(the capial of indian administered Jammu and kashmir) killing 18 soldiers.
Pak’s Indulgence Gathering evidence from the map they used,revealed that four terrorist who stormed the base were pakhtun speaking.The terrorists carried automatic rifles carrying pakistan's markings.
World Against Pakistan Minister Rajnath Singh accused Pakistan of what he called its "continued and direct support to terrorism and terrorist groups," calling Pakistan a "terrorist state" that should be "isolated.
India’s surgical strike Indian army carried out a surgical strike accross the LOC. No civilian casuality was reported whereas pakistan accused india soldiers for causing civilians casualities , which just proves they do treat terrorists as civilians.
18:2 Ratio of Indian soldiers killed to Pakistan soldiers deceased.
“If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war.”