WV NxGen Standards purpose Engineering Design Products Flood Barrier Boxes Katie Ware Central Preston Middle School Abstract Project Description Assessment of Project Students worked with group members to brainstorm, sketch, and construct a flood barrier box that was able to withstand substantial flood waters. The challenge included creating a structure to keep a paper towel dry during testing for the least amount of money spent. Constraints of this project include: $1,000.00 budget Limit of 3 trips to the store to purchase materials. No outside materials may be used (only those found in the supply store). Must be at least 3 inches in height at some point of the design. Students designed a portable flood box that can be used to store valuables and important documents in the event of a flood. Students were required to work in groups and use the engineering design process through initial design, testing, and redesign phases of their project. Students worked towards the goal of creating the best design for protecting belongings in the event of a flash flood and working under time and price of material constraints. Students were assessed on various components during this project: Participation/cooperation with group members: 30 pts Initial sketch and plan but build: 20 pts List of materials and money spent: 10 pts Prototype 1 testing observation: 10 pts Reflection- prototype test 1: 10 pts Prototype 2 testing observation: 10 pts Overall project reflection/review: 20 pts Total 110 points WV NxGen Standards purpose S.6.ESS.7- Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects. S.6-8.ETS.2- Evaluate competing design solutions using systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. S.6-8.ETS.4- Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved. Engineering Design Products Prizes were awarded to the most successful group able to create a water resistant prototype for the least amount of money spent on supplies. Design Choices: A wide variety of designs were created during the 1st prototype build. As students observed their class mates projects, the 2nd prototype structures became less flashy and more about function. -Some groups struggled to create a cost effective product. -Double layers of protection were common among 2nd build. . Project Timeline Evaluate/Reflect Class: 40 minute periods, daily Day 1: Introduction of project- research recent flooding around United States and West Virginia. Day 2: Design day- split students into groups. Initial prototype must be sketched, labeled, and materials listed. Day 3: Design day/build day- students continue to work on sketches. Once approved, students may begin building. Day 4: Build day- all 1st project designs completed and ready for testing. Day 5: Test day 1- Groups test prototypes while taking observational notes on each groups design. –discuss outcome with group members and begin redesign. Day 6: Redesign day- students built their 2nd design based upon observations and data collected from 1st design. Day 7: Test day 2- redesigned prototypes tested. *Most successful 1st attempt: 6th period This group designed a reinforced “hatch” to insert and remove the paper towel. I have found allowing students to express their creativity is a wonderful way to spark learning. All project prototypes were not perfect, but students were able to observe their mistakes and search for solutions to fix them. This project went VERY well. Aside from making a few minor adjustments throughout the project, I was pleased with the outcome. Students were engaged, and involved during each engineering stage. Next time I implement this project, I want to make sure to discuss how to effectively make observations and take notes that are valuable during a rebuilding activity. I also want to add additional building requirements to the designs, for example: all flood barrier boxes must float. - Students worked in groups of 3-5 students. Next time, I want to limit the number of students in each group to 3 maximum. Some groups had trouble compromising on design ideas. This would also allow for more design ideas to be implemented and tested. -One group created a project on stilts to help combat the rise of water Many realized after 1st round testing that a prototype with a double layer of protection against the water was a smart move. Acknowledgements Special Thanks: Central Preston Middle School- especially my 6th grade students for their enthusiasm and dedication to this project. ESS Passport Crew Constructing an ”additional flotation device” to help with easy retrieval after a flood.