Comparing and Ordering Inequalities: Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Let’s brainstorm. Think way back. To like elementary school Let’s brainstorm. Think way back. To like elementary school. Before Twitter. Or Instagram. We’re talking MySpace up in here. Kick it old school.
Do You Remember What This Means? <
Do You Remember What This Means? < Less than
Do You Remember What This Means? >
Do You Remember What This Means? > Greater than
You Remember What This Means? < > We use these two signs to compare two things that are not equal, so we call them INEQUALITIES (not equal).
So Let’s Compare
And compare some more…
Are there any other symbols other than INEQUALITY symbols?
Different Symbols You May See < __________________________ > __________________________
More Comparing So we don’t always compare football teams or animals. In fact, we often compare numbers. This is math class after all.
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 3.2 3.3
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 4.3 4.17
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 2.232 2.241
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 4.232 1.241
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 3/4 1/5
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 2/5 3/8
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 𝟓 𝟖 𝟕 𝟏𝟐 4 4
Using an inequality symbol, compare: 92% 1.1