Festivals Part 2 Learning Objective: To evaluate the importance of festivals in Judaism. I can explain how people express their sense of identity and belonging. I can plan and prepare my Judaism homestudy. I can evaluate the importance of Jewish festivals.
How does someone show their identity? Jewish Identity How does someone show their identity?
How do Jews show their identity? Jewish Identity How do Jews show their identity?
Homestudy Set Up You are going to be completing further research into a Jewish festival. You need to build on the research you have completed in class and present your homestudy creatively. Students will have already completed some research into festivals in the previous lesson which will mean they know the basics so this will build on what they have learned so far.
Evaluate Half of the room will be preparing argument for. ‘Celebrating festivals helps to express Jewish faith and identity.’ Do you agree? Half of the room will be preparing argument for. Half of the room will be preparing argument against.