Learning Objectives: Practise the planning skills required to answer Paper 2 Q5. Understand how to plan and write an essay in answer to Paper 2 Q5.
Our Ground Rules… H&S Safeguarding E&D British Values e-Safety PREVENT Store coats/bags safely Be aware of fire exits & procedures Safeguarding Mobile phones switched off Confidentiality in the group e-Safety Protect your identify online and don’t share your password with anyone! PREVENT Be willing to challenge any extremist views British Values Democracy - allow everyone to have their say Show tolerance to other faiths & beliefs E&D Treat others with respect and listen to what they have to say
Hot Topic: The Equality Act 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuIdq_ftQY8
One thing you… … already knew? … have learned? … found interesting?
Starter: true or false? Persuasive speeches do not use direct address of the reader (or listener) ‘Writing to argue’ often uses questions (rhetorical or not!) Writing to argue makes frequent use of logical connectives – eg. ‘However’/ ‘Furthermore’/ On the other hand… etc.
A quotation you have to agree or disagree with. letter article text for a leaflet text of a speech essay. SPaG important (16 marks) [40 marks]
Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives
Writer’s perspective and viewpoint
GAP Genre Audience Purpose
Speed planning Q5 “The advantages of social media technologies outweigh the disadvantages.” Write a magazine article aimed at people of a broad age range in which you argue for or against this point of view.
Include personal response … if appropriate to genre and audience Networking; keeping in touch Knowledge & education Advantages of social media technologies Opportunities in poorer countries Include personal response … if appropriate to genre and audience
Speed planning Q5 ‘Children need strict discipline from their parents when they are young or they will grow into teenagers who are out of control.’ Write a magazine article in which you explain your point of view on this statement.
Discuss: How does an article presenting an argument differ from an essay?
Writing essays: Impersonal and objective Balanced Consider for and against Draw a conclusion Use phrases from ‘writing to argue’
Register dial – informal to formal
‘Janus-faced phrases’ Having looked at the … we will now consider … It is not only [education] that is of relevance; the social background is also important… Whilst it is true that education is an important factor to socialisation, some people say that friends and peers play a greater role
Other connecting phrases Futhermore … Moreover … (mean the same thing) This is also true of … On the one hand … On the other hand … This seems to be a powerful argument, but … in order to; if; yet; however; also; having discussed; ultimately
Homework (1) ‘Each one of us needs to take better care of the environment.’ Explain your views on this statement in a magazine article.
Homework (2) ‘Festivals and fairs should be banned. They encourage bad behaviour and are disruptive to local communities.’ Write an essay which considers this statement.