Fostering a Working Relationship with Charter Authorizers Bill Kottenstette, Executive Director, CDE’s Schools of Choice Office Elizabeth Anzalone, Charter School Lead, CDE’s Schools of Choice Clare Vickland, Charter School Institute, Director of Student Services Ruben Pacheco, former Board Member for Adams County District 50 Presenters
Charter Schools: Philosophy and Approach A charter school may operate free from specified school district policies and free from state statute and rules. e.g., school vision and culture; educational programming, design and use of time; personnel and budgeting. To encourage the active pursuit of new and innovative methods of educating children to achieve and maintain high student performance. 2
The Relationship Between Charter Authorizers and Charter Schools Autonomy Accountability Shared Services 3
The Role of Boards and Staff Charter School Staff Charter School Board Charter Authorizer Staff Charter Authorizer Board The Role of Boards and Staff Charter Authorizer Authorization practices Funding Special Education Charter School Operational Compliance Academics Financial Health 4
The Charter Contract Who are parties to the charter contract? Charter authorizer board and charter school board When is the charter contract formed? After approval of charter application How is the charter contract formed? Negotiation What is the purpose of the charter contract? Governing document, accountability tool Specifies shared services 5
Examples of Strains on the Relationship Charter authorizer unilaterally imposing conditions on charter school. Charter school appealing its charter authorizer’s decision to State Board. Charter authorizer imposing a fee on charter school. Short/mid-run impact of student count moving from district to charter schools. 6
Top 8 Things to Do to Foster a Healthy Relationship Know and understand charter contract. Meet compliance and reporting requirements. Engage in transparent and regular communication. Offer technical assistance when needed. Run a great school! Open your doors and host visitors. Engage in systems-level work of the authorizer (DAC, Capitol Asset Planning, etc.) Ask questions! 7
Top 5 Things Not to Do When Fostering a Relationship DON’T forget to communicate. Looming problems Strategic activities DON’T avoid accountability agreements. DON’T try to do it all yourself. DON’T overlook reporting. DON’T disparage the authorizer – it’s about all students. 8
Professional Development & Networking Colorado Department of Education National Association of Charter School Authorizers Colorado League of Charter Schools Colorado Association of School Boards Colorado Association of School Business Officials 9
Questions? 10