Third Grade EOG Information 2015-2015
Reading EOG 52 Questions 180-240 Minutes Parts of Test Literature: 32-37% Informational: 41-45% Language: 20-24%
Reading Questions Per Standard RL.1:3-5 RI.7: 2-5 RL. 2: 1-2 RI.8: 2 RL. 3: 4-5 Language RL.4a: 6-9 RL.4: 4-6 RL.5a: 1-3 RI.1: 6 RI.2: 3 RI.3: 3 RI.4: 2-4
Reading Scale Score Level 1: <431 Level 2: 432-438 Level 3: 439-441 College Ready Level 4 and 5
Read to Achieve Guide Book
Math EOG 52 Items 180-240 Minutes Calculator Inactive/Calculator Active Parts of the Test Operations and Algebra: 30-35% Nums/Ops/Base 10: 5-10% Nums/Ops/Fractions: 20-25% Measurement/Data: 22-27% Geometry: 10-15%
Math Questions per standard Operations and Algebra Fractions Standard 3: 2 Standard 1: 1 4: 2 2: 4 5: 3 3: 3 8: 4 9: 3 Measurement Data Numbers and Base 10 Standard 1, 2, 4: 1 each Standard1: 1 3: 2 Standard 2: 2 7 and 8: 3 each Standard 3: 1 Geometry: Standard 1 and 2: 5 standards
Math Scale Score Level 1: <439 Level 2: 440-447 Level 3: 448-450 College Ready: Level 4 and 5
Questions? Next Reading 3D
Reading 3D TRC tests written comprehension: Level should be M Fluency tests pace (how fast or slow your child reads: Should be 70 words per minute DORF Retell: Oral ability to tell about what was read: Should be 20 DAZE: Filling in the blank in a story: Should be 8 words MOY: O/Fluency 86/Daze 11 EOY: P/Fluency 100/Daze 19
READINg 3D TRC below J is 1st grade to kindergarten TRC from K to L is 2nd grade What can you do? Work on written comprehension and make sure your child can find details to support the answer.