Game Changing Hockey Intelligence A revolution in the way we coach hockey, prepare for practices and games, and make in game decisions Endorsed By:
Table Of Contents Background Tracking Overview Reporting Overview Examples of How Teams Use statstrack Team Reports Individual Player Reports Conclusion
statstrack Was Developed by Drake Berehowsky to Achieve 2 Goals Win More Games Quantify Player Performance Over 8 years of coaching experience In the OHL, AHL, WHL and ECHL Over 14 yrs of NHL experience
Tracking Is Done On An iPAD by One Person for both teams Tracking of events is done on the rink surface using finger gestures and button taps Tracking Screen
Every Event Has a Zone Associated With It Events Tracked: -Time in zone -Blocked Shots -Missed Shots -Shots -Hits -Turnovers -Faceoffs -Goal and shot locations on goalie -Goals and Assists -Penalties -Types of Entries Every event has: -Who did the event -Time of the event -Location of the event by zone -Number of players on the ice Zones
Reports are generated by selecting hockey conditions Click on Reports to determine report type Select additional filters Filters selected appear under Active Filters section Click Run Report Button to Generate report Use Share button to email Reports directly to key stakeholders
Period Summaries Show Performance Metrics Automatically Topline Metrics for your team and opponent team All event types and locations for your team and opponent team
The improved traditional game summary
statstrack takes the game summary to a new level
Specific team reports(team name blanked out) Toronto Aeros Team Reports Specific team reports(team name blanked out)
Team Faceoff Report-Toronto Aeros vs Stoney Creek (1 game view) Team name blanked out Team name blanked out
Team Shot Attempts Report-Toronto Aeros vs Stoney Creek(1 game view)
Team Faceoff Report-Toronto Aeros (over 3 games tracked) Over 3 games, overall team Wins was 49%; performance for an individual game was slightly less (47%-see graph slide 15); Player 55 was at 47% also (see slide 19)
Goalie Save % Report-Toronto Aeros (over 3 games tracked) 3 goals, 73 shots, 95.9% saves Image does not reflect RH or LH catching hand
Specific Team Player Reports Toronto Aeros Player Reports Specific Team Player Reports
Player 55-Faceoff Report (over 3 games tracked)
Player 55 Shots on Goal Heat Map (over 3 games tracked) 4 of 6 shots coming from high danger zones
Player 55 Shots on Goal Heat Map (over 3 games tracked) Over 3 games, performance improved and then dropped off– longer trend required to see if performance is consistent
How Teams Are Using statstrack
Assess Both Player and Team Performance Prepare for games more effectively 1 Pre-Game Adjust game plans on the fly 2 In-Game Assess performance for both the team as a whole and individual player performance 3 Post-Game Develop more effective practice plans + leverage for better player development, trades, drafting, and recruiting 4 Long Term Leverage to showcase your team’s players with recruiters, scouts, agents, and parents 5 Other
What Statstrack Can Offer Your Team Review prior games to develop effective pre-game strategies Utilize real time data during the game to adjust play style, and optimize players Look at Key metrics for both the team as a whole and individual players by zone (ie, the house, point etc) to understand strengths and weaknesses For both your team and the opposition Pick the conditions you want to see (ie PP, games won, range of dates, by period etc) See progression and development over time of individual players or team on key metrics
An organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage JACK WELCH