Body Type and Disease Chapter 1
Somatotype- a particular category of body build and physique Endomorph- Heavy rounded physique characterized by large accumulations of fat in the trunk and thighs. Mesomorph-Muscular physique Ectomorph- thin fragile physique characterized by little body fat accumulation.
Somatotypes cont… Individuals (especially endomorphs) who have a large waist size and are “apple-shaped” (fattest in the abdomen) have a greater risk for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes than a “pear shaped” distribution with fat in hip, buttocks and thighs. Endomorphs with pear or apple shape develop more disease than meso or ectomorph with a similar shape.
Normal State Homeostasis- a relatively constant state maintained by the body. The smallest functional unit of the body is the cell. Cells that have a similar function come together to make a tissue. Tissues grouped together create organs Organs function together to make organ systems Organ systems function together to create the organism
Disease Terminology Pathology- the study of disease. Signs- objective abnormalities that can be measured. Symptoms-subjective abnormalities felt by the patient. Syndrome- Collection of signs and symptoms that occur together.
Terms cont… If signs and symptoms appears suddenly and last a short period of time the disease is acute. If the conditions last a long time, possibly the entire life of the individual the disease is chronic.
Etiology- Study of all the factors involved in a disease. The etiology of a skin infection involves a cut or abrasion followed by a subsequent invasion and growth of a bacterial colony. A disease with an undetermined cause are said to be idiopathic. Communicable diseases are those that can be transmitted from person to person. Etiology refers to the theory of a disease cause.
PATHOGENESIS is the actual pattern of a disease development Ie. The common cold starts with a latent or “hidden” stage in which the virus establishes itself in the patient. No signs are evident this is the incubation period. After an infection runs its course there is a recovery period called a convalescence where the body returns to normal. In a chronic disease such as cancer this period is called REMISSION.
Epidemiology- study of the occurrence, distribution and transmission of disease in human populations.
Disease native to a local region is called and endemic disease. If the disease spreads to many individuals at the same time, it is an epidemic. Pandemics are epidemic s that affect a large geographic region, may be worldwide. ie. The flu
Risk factors for disease: 1. Genetic Factors 2. Age 3. Lifestyle 4. Stress 5. Environment 6. Microorganisms 7. Pre-existing conditions
Basic Mechanisms of Disease: 1. Genetic Mechanisms 2. Pathogenic Organisms -parasites, viruses, fungi, protozoans, insects/worms, bacteria -prions (protein infectious particles) proteins converting normal proteins in the brain into abnormally functioning proteins. This is seen in BSE or mad cow disease.
Tumors and Cancer 4. Physical and chemical agents 5. Malnutrition 6. Autoimmunity
7. Inflammation 8. Degeneration- Tissues sometimes break apart or degenerate. Normal consequence of aging.