U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Chapter Overview: What is comparison and contrast? Comparison and contrast paragraph Planning a comparison and contrast composition Writing a comparison and contrast composition Organizational patterns: Organization by subject Point-by-point organization Comparison and contrast vocabulary
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Comparison and contrast: A Comparison or Contrast composition is a composition in which you either compare something or contrast something. A comparison essay is an essay in which you emphasize the similarities, and a contrast essay is an essay in which you emphasize the differences. We use comparison and contrast thinking when deciding which university to attend, which car to buy, or whether to drive a car or take a bus or an airplane to a vacation site.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Comparison paragraph: Moths and butterflies are closely related and look very much alike; however, they differ from each other in four ways. First, most moths are active at night, but most butterflies are active during the day. Butterflies fly from flower to flower sucking their nectar. In contrast, moths are attracted by lights and fly continuously around lamps. Second, when moths rest, they spread their wings out. Butterflies, in contrast, hold their wings straight up. Third, their antennae are also different. While the antennae of most moths are hair-like and pointed, all butterflies have knobs at the end of their antennae. Finally, the bodies of most moths are thick whereas the bodies of butterflies are thin.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Comparison paragraph: Moths and butterflies are closely related and look very much alike; however, they differ from each other in four ways. First, most moths are active at night, but most butterflies are active during the day. Butterflies fly from flower to flower sucking their nectar. In contrast, moths are attracted by lights and fly continuously around lamps. Second, when moths rest, they spread their wings out. Butterflies, in contrast, hold their wings straight up. Third, their antennae are also different. While the antennae of most moths are hair-like and pointed, all butterflies have knobs at the end of their antennae. Finally, the bodies of most moths are thick whereas the bodies of butterflies are thin.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Planning Michael has two brothers, Nick and Joe. Michael decided to write about his two brothers. Look at the following table in which he listed the differences between Nick and Joe.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Writing This is Michaels final draft. My two brothers Most people assume that sisters and brothers have many things in common. This is not always true. Both my brothers, Nick and Joe, have the same parents and the same background, but they differ considerably in appearance and lifestyle. Nick, the younger one, has long, curly hair and a beard. He usually dresses casually in blue jeans and a T-shirt. He is a cook in a small restaurant. Because the restaurant is near his home, he rides his bicycle to work. In his free time, Nick goes to movies and plays football. He lives in the city in a studio apartment. My brother Joe, on the other hand, looks more conservative than Nick. He has shorter, straighter hair. He has a moustache but no beard. Because he is a businessman, he wears a suit and tie to work. He drives his car to his downtown office every day. In his spare time, he reads newspapers and plays soccer. Joe lives in a large house in the suburbs with his wife and their children. My friends cannot believe that Nick and Joe are brothers because they seem so different.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Writing This is Michaels final draft. My two brothers Most people assume that sisters and brothers have many things in common. This is not always true. Both my brothers, Nick and Joe, have the same parents and the same background, but they differ considerably in appearance and lifestyle. Nick, the younger one, has long, curly hair and a beard. He usually dresses casually in blue jeans and a T-shirt. He is a cook in a small restaurant. Because the restaurant is near his home, he rides his bicycle to work. In his free time, Nick goes to movies and plays football. He lives in the city in a studio apartment. My brother Joe, on the other hand, looks more conservative than Nick. He has shorter, straighter hair. He has a moustache but no beard. Because he is a businessman, he wears a suit and tie to work. He drives his car to his downtown office every day. In his spare time, he reads newspapers and plays soccer. Joe lives in a large house in the suburbs with his wife and their children. My friends cannot believe that Nick and Joe are brothers because they seem so different.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Organization by subject One way to arrange your comparison and contrast composition is to write about airplanes in one paragraph and to write about helicopters in the next. This method of arrangement is called organization by subject. If you mention a particular point in the airplane paragraph, you must mention the same point in the helicopter paragraph, and in the same order. Look at the following outline. Similarities and differences between airplanes and helicopters Introduction I.Airplanes A.Shape and design B.Speed C.Direction of takeoff and flight II.Helicopters A.Shape and design B.Speed C.Direction of takeoff and flight Conclusion
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Sample #1 The Differences Between Airplanes and Helicopters One of the most important means of transportation is by air. Millions of people travel by air worldwide every year. Air transportation is considered to be the fastest and safest way of traveling. Airplanes and helicopters are both important forms of air travel, but there are great differences between them. Airplanes have long, slender bodies with wings. They travel extremely fast, reaching speeds of over 1,975 miles (3,000 Km) per hour. Airplanes take off horizontally and can move in a forward direction only. They need a lot of space for takeoff and landing. Airplanes regularly carry several hundred passengers. In contrast, helicopters have round bodies and propellers rather than wings. They move at slower speeds. They take off vertically and can move in any direction. Helicopters require a very small takeoff or landing space. Most helicopters carry only two to five passengers.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Organization by point-by-point A second way to organize your composition is to write about a particular point about airplanes and then immediately write about the same point about helicopters. This method is called point-by-point arrangement. An outline of this arrangement follows. Similarities and differences between airplanes and helicopters Introduction I.Shape and design A. Airplanes B. Helicopters II.Speed A. Airplanes B. Helicopters III.Direction of takeoff and flight A. Airplanes B. Helicopters Conclusion
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Sample #2 The Differences Between Airplanes and Helicopters Airplanes and helicopters are both important forms of air travel, but there are great differences between them. The first major difference between airplanes and helicopters is their shape and design. Airplanes, for example, have long, slender bodies with wings while helicopters have round bodies and propellers rather than wings. Another difference between airplanes and helicopters is their speed. Airplanes can travel extremely fast, reaching speeds of over 1,875 miles (3,000 kilometers) per hour. Helicopters, on the other hand are much slower than airplanes. The final difference between airplanes and helicopters is their direction of takeoff and flight. While airplanes take off horizontally and can move in a forward direction only, helicopters take off vertically and can move in any direction. Airplanes need a lot of space for takeoff and landing. Helicopters, on the other hand, require a very small takeoff or landing space. Airplanes regularly carry several hundred passengers but most helicopters carry only two to five passengers. Because of the great differences between airplanes and helicopters, each is used for a specific purpose. Airplanes and helicopters, therefore, are both important forms of air travel.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Sample #2 The Differences Between Airplanes and Helicopters Airplanes and helicopters are both important forms of air travel, but there are great differences between them. The first major difference between airplanes and helicopters is their shape and design. Airplanes, for example, have long, slender bodies with wings while helicopters have round bodies and propellers rather than wings. Another difference between airplanes and helicopters is their speed. Airplanes can travel extremely fast, reaching speeds of over 1,875 miles (3,000 kilometers) per hour. Helicopters, on the other hand are much slower than airplanes. The final difference between airplanes and helicopters is their direction of takeoff and flight. While airplanes take off horizontally and can move in a forward direction only, helicopters take off vertically and can move in any direction. Airplanes need a lot of space for takeoff and landing. Helicopters, on the other hand, require a very small takeoff or landing space. Airplanes regularly carry several hundred passengers but most helicopters carry only two to five passengers. Because of the great differences between airplanes and helicopters, each is used for a specific purpose. Airplanes and helicopters, therefore, are both important forms of air travel.
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 These are not the only ways to give coherence to a comparison paragraph. There are other conjunctions, too. Here is a list of comparison conjunctions you can use: Short ConjunctionsLonger Expressions Similarly, Likewise,...the same......the same as......also......, too. both likewise unlike However, In contrast, By contrast,..., but..., yet Nevertheless, In the same way, X is similar to Y in that (they)... Like X, Y [verb]... One way in which X is similar to Y is (that)... Another way in which X is similar to Y is (that)... In contrast,… By contrast,… On the other hand, even though + [sentence] although + [sentence] whereas + [sentence] unlike + [sentence] while + [sentence]
U I N V E R S I T Y O F H A I L E N G L I S H L A N G U A G E C E N T E R WRITING DEFINITIONS H A S S A N E L B A D R I English 101 Group activity: Open your textbook on page 136 and study the example composition number 3 titled crocodiles and Alligators and answer the questions that follow.