On your Warm Up Paper, Write and Answer the Following Question Why were political machines able to use immigrants to stay in power?
Progressive Era Pt. 2- Social Reforms
Muckraking Muckrakers Muckrakers Muckrakers Muckrakers: Journalists who uncover wrongdoing Jacob Riis- documented struggles of poor working class in NYC Wrote book- How the Other Half Lives His photos helped convince the city to improve living conditions Other muckrakers: Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell What contributions did muckrakers make to the reform movement? Muckrakers Wrote about problems in society Society wants to start fixing problems Muckrakers Muckrakers Wrote about problems in society
Social Reforms Welfare services- to help the poor Cities started providing services Helped poor and immigrants Public baths, free kindergarten, homeless shelters, utilities (water, electricity, gas) Child Labor Laws/Legislation Keating-Owen Child Labor Act: limited number of hours children could work More required school attendance > less work in factories Minimum Wage Laws/Legislation Raised pay Especially for women and child workers
Women’s Contribution Women lead many of the Progressive movements- mainly middle class women Temperance movement- people who were against drinking alcohol Mainly led by women- why? Tired of domestic violence Didn’t like influence of new immigrant groups who drank Frances Willard- temperance, suffragist, educator Temperance- movement against alcohol Helped pass 18th (Prohibition) and 19th amendments Settlement houses- provided help for poor, especially immigrants Education, health care, housing, job training Jane Addams- founder of Hull House- most well-known settlement house
African- American Women Ida B. Wells- journalist, editor Early civil rights leader Wrote about lynching in newspapers Active in women’s rights/suffrage Co-founder of NAACP How did women contribute to the Progressive Movement?
African American Rights WEB Du Bois- another leader of the movement First African American to earn Ph.D Thought the elite blacks, the intellectual, should advance the cause of all blacks Called the “Talented Tenth” Wanted immediate rights through legislation/law Helped form NAACP in 1909 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Booker T. Washington – a leader of the movement Founded Tuskegee Institute- first private college est. by blacks Focused on VOCATIONAL training: training in a specific job or trade (plumber, technician) Blacks should improve personal habits to earn equality Wanted slower approach for rights- called accomodationism Believed in taking what white society gives you Get social equality through economic equality Rejected forced integration- thought we could exist separately Both Wanted civil rights Wanted political, economic, and social equality Wanted education
Why did W. E. B. Du Bois oppose Booker T Why did W.E.B. Du Bois oppose Booker T. Washington’s views on racial discrimination?
Eugenics Some people wanted to improve genetic features of people through selective breeding and (forced) sterilizations- called Eugenics Based on idea that inferior traits (social, economic, physical) were passed on to offspring Believed the poor, disabled, mentally ill caused the problems Eugenics stopped after WWII b/c of Nazis Used sterilization and euthanasia program Nazi leaders claimed were inspired by US programs
BIG IDEA What social problems did the Progressive Movement seek the resolve?