All 4 Quarterly Update Q4 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

All 4 Quarterly Update Q4 2017

All 4 had a record year in 2017 All 4 had a record year in 2017, with 718 million views (up 16% year on year), with 16.6 million registered users (+11%), and 3.4 million monthly active logins (+27%) All 4 is the no. 1 reaching video on demand platform for young audiences, reaching 34.4% of 16-24’s, and 31% of 16-34’s. The platform attracts an upmarket audience, with 62% of the viewers falling into the ABC1 category (above the 56% average for all Adults) , and Reaches 22% of them each month Source: IPA Touchpoints 2017: Reach = used in the last month. Base = 16+

All 4 has high reach for key audiences Monthly Reach (%) Source: IPA Touchpoints 2017: Reach = used in the last month. Base = 16+

…and is the no.1 platform for young, upmarket audiences Source: IPA Touchpoints 2017: used All 4 in the last month. Base = 16+

The All 4 profile is young and upmarket Source: IPA Touchpoints 2017: used All 4 in the last month. Base = 16+

The All 4 audience is commercially receptive 100 = All Adults Source: GB TGI 10/16-09/17 : used All 4. Base = 16+