Platypus Made by Mrs. Everham
NAME Duck Billed Platypus Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-monotremata Family-ornithorhynchidae Genus-ornithorhynchidae Species-ornithorhynchidae anatinus
APPEARANCE Length: 24 inches Height: 12 inches Weight: 1.5-5.5 pounds. Color: Usually brown.
DIET Meat: Fresh water shrimp, worms, and some fish. No plants Acquiring Food: Searches for food from dawn to nearly sunset. Fun fact: Can consume its full body weight in just a 24 hour time period!
HABITAT Part of the World: Environment: Southern Australia Australian fresh water lakes and streams. Nest is burrowed in the ground.
BEHAVIOR During the Day: Swimming Underground During Dusk: Wallows around above ground Temperament: Platypuses are shy and wary. Habits and unique behavior: Sweeps its head from side to side to locate prey. Underwater the platypus closes its eyes, ears, and nostrils.
DEFENSES Male platypus has a poisonous spur on each of it’s hind legs Not lethal against humans, but is still very painful. Female has these spurs, but they do not produce venom.
ENEMIES Snakes Water Rats Monitor Lizards Hawks Owls Eagles Humans
SURVIVAL STATUS Produces Young: Lays 1-3 eggs at once Eggs hatch about 28 days after mating Endangered?: Not currently considered to be endangered. "Common but Vulnerable" in Australia. Life Span: 4-5 years for male 6-8 years for female.
SOMETHING SPECIAL The platypus bill is rubbery and flexible. Platypuses sweat milk In the 1900’s platypuses were hunted for their fur. They are the one of two mammals that lay eggs. (also the echidna)
SOMETHING SPECIAL Some Australians eat platypus There is no plural word for platypus. Some Australians eat platypus It is still illegal to hunt the platypuses.
SOURCES /mammals/platypus/ safe=active&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=platypus& btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=