Using POS for Employee Planning and Budgeting CHARLOTTE FIDLER
Benefits of Position Control Position Control is an add-on module which enhances your ability to plan and budget your staffing needs and obtain information on your current staff matrix Allows tracking of filled positions and reporting overstaffed and understaffed positions Provides current information on salary expenses and benefits of filled positions based on actual employee salaries and benefits Provides projected expense costs both salary and benefits for overstaffed and understaffed positions for next year’s budget Position Control interfaces with Salary Administration to provide next year’s projected costs if desired
Benefits of Position Control Allows budgeting for all positions in your organization Can be used to setup employee pay and employee distribution records when entering new records Allows monitoring what positions are filled, overstaffed or understaffed Allows tracking who is currently assigned to a position or who was previously in the position Position budgets may be loaded into scenarios in the Budget Preparation System (BPS)
Position Control Overview of how it works Using Positions Setup Considerations 2 ways to approach Profile Key Jobs and Pay Positions Positions Job and Pays Using Positions New Utilities Position Inquiries Useful Position Control Reports Position Control interfacing with Budget Prep
Position Control Setup Considerations Position number is very important – MAJOR DECISION Position setup decisions depend on reports and info needed on positions AND budgeting requirements Business Manager and HR Supervisor need input into decision General/Summary Pros – easier setup and less upkeep Cons - Open Positions budget amount goes to summary number – not detailed enough Detailed Pros – more detailed information for budgeting and analysis Cons – More Upkeep – must maintain when employee moves Choice to use FTE Validation Profile Keys
Setting Up Position Number Up to 20 Character Position Numbers (alpha-numeric) Use numbers or characters or combination of both How will it group on a report First set of characters set the sort What is the most important division – list first Fund Location Bargaining Unit or Job SETUP CONSULTATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GET DESIRED RESULTS
Position Number Examples FF-LL-B-AREA-JOB F- Funding Source LL – Location BBB – Bargaining Unit Area – Civil Service Area/Tenure area JOB – Job Code – Grade level EXAMPLES: 10-15-TCH-ELEM-003 10-01-ADM-PRIN-HSx 15-04-xxx-CAFÉ-SUP
Position Number Examples LLL-UNIT-CCCC-JJJJ L = Location U = Unit, Area/Assignment Code TCHR, ADMIN, NURS, CUST, SECR C = Category or Tenure Area ELEM, READ, ADMN J = Job Code KIND, 0001, 0002(grade), PAYX EXAMPLE: 203-TCHR-ELEM-0001
Position Number Examples BBBB-DEPT-JOBC-LLL BBBB- Bargaining Unit TCHR, ADMN, SECR DEPT – Department ELEM, PRIN. PAYR, CUST JOBC – Job Code 1245, 3456 LLL – Location EXAMPLE ADMN-PRIN-ASST-203
Position Number Examples Based on Account Numbers FF-FN-OBJ-LL FF = Fund FN = Function OBJ = Object LL = Location JJJJ = Job EXAMPLE 10-24-145-23- 2801
Positions Positions are created and maintained using the Positions screen Positions allow you to define Positions Position FTE value for the position Accounting for overstaffed and understaffed pay and benefit Pay detail for the position for overstaffed and understaffed Benefits to apply to the overstaffed and understaffed Analyze financial data on current positions and provide financial data for budgeting
Positions – POS FTE Tab
Positions – POS FTE Tab
Positions – Accounts Tab
Positions – Accounts Tab
Positions – Pays Tab
Assigning Positions to Employees Assigning positions to employees allows you to analyze a position and see which positions are appropriately staffed, understaffed, or overstaffed Once a position is assigned to an employee, the employee displays in the Positions - Emps Tab Use the Employee Pays - Position Detail screen to assign positions to employees Profile keys allow option to run Position FTE Validation Process Position is assigned to employee Employee Pay and Employee Distribution records automatically created based on Position Pays and Accounts Validates if there are enough open FTEs (warning or error option) If Position FTE Validation is not selected Employee Pays and Employee Distribution manually populated Position is added manually
Assigning Positions to Employees
Employee Contract Pays (AUTO) – Position FTE = Y Entering new employee = Job entered Position enteredPay populated
Employee Contract Pays (AUTO) – Position FTE = YEerror Error message if click Pay Detail without entering position
Employee Distributions – Position FTE = Y Employee Pay screen is blank
Employee Distributions – Position FTE = Y Employee Account Distribution screen is blank
Add Position and Any Optional fields
Employee Pays Populated from Position Master
Employee Distribution Populated from Position Master
Positions – POS FTE Tab
Positions – POS Emps Tab A snapshot of employees assigned to selected positions Screen filled in when Set FTEs button is clicked after position assigned
Positions – Benefits Tab Use the Positions - Benefits to establish benefits for understaffed and overstaffed positions This allows you to more accurately budget for those positions by accounting for benefits in addition to pays The codes must also be setup in the Budget Benefit Master under Salary Administration if calculating benefits as part of the budget The Budget Benefit Master is used as a staging area for benefit calculations. You can view benefit criteria and make additions, deletions, modifications without affecting payroll processing. If using Position Control the amounts entered here are used for overstaffed and understaffed positions
Positions – Benefits Tab
Positions – Analyze Tab Allows selection of parameters to calculate position budget amounts
Positions – Pos Detl Tab Snapshot of each account associated with a position, the position budgeted amount, the amount used and the position funds available
Positions – Pos Emp Accts Tab Displays each account associated with a position, the employee and over and understaffed amounts and account defaults from the position
Positions – Pos Acct Detl Tab Displays accounts for this position and all position that use this account
Positions – Errors Displays any errors, this position or all positions, received when analyzing positions usually the result of incorrect or missing data.
Helpful Utilities
Helpful Utilities Position Master Accounts Update Utility – HEUTL22A.FMX Position Master Accounts Update Report – HEUTL22A.REP Roll Jobs and Pays by Category - HPROL11D.FMX Roll Jobs and Pays by Calendar – HPROL11A.FMX Jobs and Pays Utility – HPUTL07A.FMX Jobs and Pays Utility Report – HPUTL07A.REP Coming in the future New Utility – when the location in Positions changes – update Employee Work Location and location in Employee Pays and Employee Position Detail
Position Master Accounts Update Utility–HEUTL22A.FMX
Position Master Accounts Update Utility–HEUTL22A.FMX Position Master includes option to Update Emp Dist Group Added validation to verify the sum of all percents for a Distribution Group is 100% Created new utility to insert new employee distributions and update the Employee Pays and optionally the Employee Position Details Dist group Over Dist Group Created new report to display Position and Employee Distribution information prior to making changes
Position Master Update Utility–Report Only
Position Master Update Utility–HEUTL22A.FMX
Position Master Update Utility–HEUTL22A.FMX
Position Master Update Utility–HEUTL22A.FMX
Roll Jobs and Pays by Category - HPROl11D.FMX
Roll Jobs and Pays by Category - HPROl11D.FMX Option to End Date Employee Position Dates Option to Roll All Position or Roll Active Positions Options to Update Employee Position Dates Contract Dates from Calendar Master Pay Dates from Calendar Master Increment Year Only Specified Dates
Roll Jobs and Pays by Calendar - HPROl11A.FMX Option to End Date Employee Position Dates Option to Roll All Position or Roll Active Positions Options to Update Employee Position Dates Contract Dates from Calendar Master Pay Dates from Calendar Master Increment Year Only Specified Dates
Roll Jobs and Pays by Calendar - HPROl11A.FMX Option to End Date Employee Position Dates Option to Roll All Position or Roll Active Positions Options to Update Employee Positions with Calendar Dates Contract Dates Pay Dates
Jobs and Pays Utility – HPUTL07A.FMX
Jobs and Pays Utility – HPUTL07A.FMX
Jobs and Pays Utility – HPUTL07A.FMX Important!!!!! You must uses this utility to update the start and end dates for jobs, pays and positions rolled by category, to recalculate salaries if you are not using schedules and to update any employees who started in the middle of the year in the current contract year.
Jobs and Pays Utility – HPUTL07A.FMX New in Release 19.1 New Filtering options added Added Verification Report prior to processing
Position Inquiries
Position Inquiries Position Inquiry by Account – HPINQ01A.FMX Position Inquiry by Account Drilldown – HPINQ02A.FMX Position Inquiry – HMPOS03I.FMX
Position Inquiry by Account – HPINQ01A.FMX
Position Inquiry by Account – HPINQ01A.FMX
Position Inquiry by Account Drilldown – HPINQ02A.FMX
Position Inquiry – HMPOS03I.FMX
Position Inquiry – HMPOS03I.FMX
Position Inquiry – HMPOS03I.FMX
Position Inquiry – HMPOS03I.FMX
Position Inquiry – HMPOS03I.FMX
Position Reports
Position Reports Position Master Listing Position Control Report Employee Position Detail Employee Job/Position Report Employee Pays Listing with Position Nos Budget Report with and without Report Specs Earnings Earnings Budget Total Benefits Budget Total and Budget Grand Total Understaffed Positions, Overstaffed Positions Salaries and Benefits Register Position Over and Understaffed Employees
Position Control and Budgeting
Position Control – Budget Position Control alone Provides tracking of positions and employees in each position Provides actual salary amounts for employees in each position Provides default salary and benefit information for overstaffed and understaffed positions Loads Salary and Benefit information into BPS Salary Admin and Position Control together Provides all of above including next year projected salary and benefit information
Position Control – Budget Checklist Complete HRS Begin Year Processing Create Positions Positions FTE Positions Accounts – used for overstaffed and understaffed positions Position Pays – used for overstaffed and understaffed positions Position Benefits – used to include benefits in budget Create Simulation Master Setup Budget Benefit Master (if including benefits in budget) Print Employee Position Detail or Employee Job/Positions (optional) Analyze Positions or Print Budget Report Load SAD to BPS
Budget Report – HMPOS – HABEN03A.REP Performs the same calculation as the Positions-Analyze window and prints the results in report format. You must use either this report or the Analyze tab at least once to calculate/extract the amounts into a Simulation to load into BPS Multiple Simulations can be set, analyzed and combined if desired
Budget Report - Salaries
Budget Report - Benefits
Load Salary into BPS
Budget Manager Entry Populates in Salary Admin field and becomes Req’d Budget Adjustments can be made using Managed Budget to add to Req’s
Implementing Position Control Training to get it functioning = 2 – 3 Sessions Session #1 - Setup MOST important Consultation – what you want to track resulting in “Position Number” and decisions on extra fields to track PositionJob or JobPosition Set up Training Allow time for maintenance before next session Session #2 – how to use and get information Including discussion on flowing into SAD and BPS OR additional Session #3 to cover flow into SAD and BPS at later date depending on budget formulation
User Guides User Guides on Infolink POS includes an additional chapter on Position Control Inquiries