Shapes of proton, spin of proton Light Front Calculations of Nucleon Form Factors - shapes of the proton G A Miller, UW Experimental progress JLAB Model: relativistic quarks, π cloud, symmetry-aided phenomenology Electromagnetic form factors Shapes of proton, spin of proton Connect with lattice QCD
Expectations- Pre Jlab QF2 /F1 GE/GM QF2/F1 GE/GM Q2 Q2
Implement Relativity
Impulse Approximation
Wave function
1995 Frank, Jennings, Miller
Ratio of Pauli to Dirac Form Factors 1995
Relativistic Explanation
Neutron Electric Form Factor
Ratio of Pauli to Dirac Form Factors 2003
Two More Form Factors Needed
Model exists Lower components OAM Shape of proton Spin dependent densities SDD non-rel Relativistic SDD H atom Proton
Shapes of the proton
Spin density operator: d(r-rp) s . n PRB65, 144429 Canted ferromagnetic structure of UNiGe high magnetic fields Neutron magnetic scattering Neutron, B, crystal
LFCBM and LATTICE FORM FACTORS H. H. Matevosyan, GAM, AW Thomas Lattice results described using LFCBM with parameters taken as analytic functions of lattice quark mass Extrapolate back to physical regime Form factors look like data First attempt to relate lattice QCD with form factors that depend on Q2
Reproduce Lattice QCDSF data
Extrapolate to physical, predict
Summary Phenomenological model –three quark plus pion cloud- of nucleon respects Lorentz invariance and chiral symmetry Describes form factor data pretty well Has some connection with lattice/fundamental theory
Extras follow
High Q2
How proton holds together pQCD Feynman Non perturbative ∞ gluon exch
Compton scattering same model Relativistic Massive Quarks