Fruit choice (optional) Meat Choice Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date Meal 1 Meat Choice Dairy Choice Stir fry Veg Coconut oil & butter Fruit choice (optional) Meat Choice Meal 2 Poultry Choice Greens/Veggies Choice Butter & EV Olive oil Nuts & Seeds Choice Herbs & Spices Choice Oil & Butter Grains choice Fish Choice Poultry Choice Cheat meal 1 Meal 3 Butter & EV olive oil Sunday roast (Chest meal 2) Supplements ZMA BCAA Protein shake x 2 Water (litres) & Other liquids 3 litres 3 green tea with vanilla 2 hot water with lemon 2 herbal tea 2 green tea Wine 2 glasses Exercise workout 1 Workout 2 Rest Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 Use the food table to provide to get all the choices you need to ROTATE foods regular to prevent food intolerances Eat your grain included meal POST WORKOUT, chance the grain choice to that meal if needed, also must be gluten free. Portion size – As much green veg as you wants (always organic) Take 25g of protein and 10g of fat in a shake in-between emails Portion size – As much green veg as you wants (always organic) Fruit in meal less than 30g and grains less than 50g Cheat meal can be anything and stick to RED WINE only