Chance Sturrup, Anna McGuinness, Quinn Donoho, and Crystal Wall Planning Chance Sturrup, Anna McGuinness, Quinn Donoho, and Crystal Wall
Shooting Schedule On 3/5/15 we will be attempting to shooting the entire film because all the shots are in the same area 3/7/15 and 3/8/15 are backup days incase we don’t get all of the filming done on 3/5/15 or incase we feel like we need more footage. On 3/9/15 we will begin editing the footage that we recorded on the days that we were shooting. We can upload the footage the the computers in class and use Pinnacle video to edit the video
Shooting Script Scene 1: Black Screen Fade to Briefcase Briefcase closes to reveal spy getting out of car. From closeup to briefcase to close up to main spy’s face. Outside Scene 2: Shot of main spy through binoculars Medium close up of assassins with binoculars
Shooting Script Scene 3: Shot of main spy’s shoes walking up stairs Long shot of main spy walking from the stairs Scene 5: Shot of assassin's shoes walking down the stairs Scene 6: Shot of back of main spy going up escalator. From front of escalator, spy walking off toward location
Shooting Script Scene 7: Long shoot of main spy in mall, heading to the back hallways Zoom into another back door to reveal an assassin sneaking in as well Scene 8: Behind shot of main spy going into back door Scene 9: Now in the back hallways Medium long shot of main spy entering Establishing shot of back hallways long shot of main spy heading toward/entering another door
Shooting Script Scene 10: Shot of assassin's shoes walking in the back halls Scene 11: Main spy sees her contact has been murdered, and panics. She runs out down the hall Shot of dead contact, close-up to main spy (scared/distressed), chase shot in hallway (long shot), main spy running toward the elevator Scene 12: Spy arrives at elevator (long shot), turns around to see assassin (meduim close up), turns back around to opening elevator to see another assassin (resume long shot)
Shooting Script Scene 13: Fight sequence Spy runs toward assassin in elevator, snaps his neck, pulls out a knife, throws the knife at the other assassin, and the screen goes dark. A gunshot is heard in the black out Camera will mostly follow the fight scene throughout, the focus being the main spy Black out at end
Title The title of the film is: Exposed The reason this title was picked was because it represents the concept of the movie being a Russian mole who was betrayed by her home country. The title will fade into existence on a black screen after the final gunshot happens. The font of the title is a version of Iconian, and was chosen and influenced by openings that we saw on . more information about art of the title can be found on each of our group members blogs.
Sound Opening has slower music that will gradually get louder and more intense as the film progresses so that by the end of the opening the music is very fast, loud, and intense Scene 13: sound of a neck cracking (non-diegetic) Scene 14: hear thump of knife hitting someone and the sound of a gunshot (non-diegetic)
Location The location we decided to use is a local shopping mall mainly because of the back hallways inside of the mall work very well with the what we wanted to do with the film. Also the protagonist of the film is going to a location so the mall is a good place to film because it allows for a lot variety in the shots we do get. Also the mall is in a very convenient location for all of the people in the group. Also the multiple entrances into the back hallways allow a variety of different ways that we can approach the fight scene at the end of the sequence.
Photos of Location The opening scenes of the project are going to be filmed outside the Galleria Mall in the parking lot and parking garage. The lot on the left is where the opening shots are going to be filmed. The walkway on the right is how the characters will be entering the mall.
Photos of Location On the left is one of the main locations inside where we will be filming. We chose it since it’s in a less popular part of the mall and is wide open. The corridor on the right is where the fight sequence will be filmed. The side halls provide privacy and help to create an atmospheric mood.
Participants Crystal Wall: Main spy, storyboard artist, assistant editor Quinn Donoho: The dead contact, camera man, chief fight choreographer Anna McGuinness: Assistant choreographer, camera aid Chance Sturrup: Assassin 1, chief editor, assistant storyboard artist Eric Aurbach: Assassin 2
Health and Safety The locations that we are filming in have some things that may cause some health and safety concerns. Two of the places that we are filming is a parking lot and a parking garage so while filming we will have to be mindful of cars so during filming we will have someone watching out for vehicles that might hit the actress. We are also going to be filming inside of a mall so we will have to be mindful of the escalator because people have been known to be sucked into a different dimension through those, but in all seriousness we will have to be mindful of other people walking in the mall or using the escalator. Also we will be filming in a high area so we will have to be careful with the height that we are filming at. As a last note we will be using a prop gun so we will need to let the mall know that we are doing this so that we don’t get tazed by a mall cop.
Props and Costumes These are the props we used: 2 non-functional Airsoft pistols which are going to be used in the fight sequence, Car and keys will be used for just background scenery, Briefcase and the papers inside are used in the beginning of the sequence to hold the papers to show that the protagonist is a spy for Russia, the binoculars are going to be used by the antagonists.
Script Scene 1: Sound of briefcase closing (diegetic), Music begins (non-diegetic) Scene 2: None Scene 3: None Scene 4: None Scene 5: None Scene 6: None Scene 7: None Scene 8: None Scene 9: None Scene 10: None Scene 11: Starts breathing heavily after a gasp (diegetic) Scene 12: None Scene 13: heavy breathing and panting, a cracking noise (neck breaking) (diegetic) Scene 13: Gunshot (non-diegetic) Music playing throughout*