Welcome to Higher English!
Course Assessment Like in Nat 5 – Tests in class which have 3 outcomes and are Pass/Fail: Reading Writing Talking Listening This will be integrated with class work and you will be given dates for assessment in due course.
Final Grade Folio (30%) Paper 1 – Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation Paper 2 – Critical Reading (Overall Exam = remaining 70%)
Folio Preparation done in class, discussed with me, then typed up at home. You need to submit: Evidence of planning First draft Final draft
Paper 1 - RUAE Similar format to N5 exam BUT: 1 mark given for a quote and a comment, not 2 (generally speaking) Two passages to read (on same topic), most questions on passage 1 but final question asks you to compare and contrast the two passages.
Paper 2 – Critical Reading Scottish text: An extract and questions (again similar to N5) ‘The Cone Gatherers’ by Robin Jenkins. Critical essay: One essay on a text we have studied in class (apart from ‘The Cone Gatherers’)
Texts we will study Film and TV Drama: Sherlock – A Study in Pink (June) Novel/Scottish text: The Cone Gatherers (Aug – Oct) Drama: Hamlet (Oct – Dec) Poetry: Various, TBC (After prelim)
Things you will need: Lever-arch file/poly pockets/dividers/ lined A4 paper. Copy of The Cone Gatherers (for August) Copy of Hamlet (for October) Both of these texts can be bought for pennies on Amazon.
You may like to buy: Highlighters/sticky notes for marking places in books. The Cone Gatherers: Scot Notes (by Iain Crichton Smith) Hamlet: York Notes Advanced (by Jeff Wood)
How to pass Higher English: Make good quality notes in and out of class. Read around the literature we study (high quality sources). Be clear on the techniques that are relevant to the texts. Re-read and revise throughout the year, not just in the run up to the exams. Practise writing about literature. Hand in homework on time. Remember key quotations. Read a good quality newspaper regularly. Act on teacher feedback.
A word about reading from your other teacher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSYw502dJNY