How to Pass N5/Higher Modern Languages Tuesday 18th September 2018
NATIONAL 5 Exam Overview PAPER LENGTH MARKS SCALED MARK Paper 1: Reading 1 hour 30 Paper 1: Writing 30 minutes 20 15 Paper 1: Listening 20 minutes Writing Assignment Talking Presentation 1 – 2 mins Conversation 5-6 mins 10
HIGHER Exam Overview COMPONENT DETAILS LENGTH MARKS SCALED % INTERNAL EXAM: Talking Talking (30 marks) 10 minutes 30 marks 30 25% WRITING ASSIGNMENT 20 marks 15 12.5% EXTERNAL EXAM Paper 1: Reading (20 marks) & Translation (10 marks) Directed Writing (20 marks) 2 hours 30 Paper 2: Listening (20 marks) 30 mins
What kind of homework will I be given What kind of homework will I be given? Revising vocabulary and grammar Reading passages Translation Writing at end of each topic Preparing writing/speaking Scholar homework Past paper practice (reading, listening, writing, translation)
What resources will I be given What resources will I be given? Vocabulary booklet Course Notes booklet Grammar booklet Workbooks SQA past paper listening packs (gap fills, Q&A, find the MFL phrases) Grammar notes, classwork on OneNote
Resources that I will need: Dictionary Highlighters Ring-binder for organising coursework and grammar (separate section for each topic) Essential that notes are organised for outset.
How much homework should I be doing. National 5 – minimum 1 How much homework should I be doing? National 5 – minimum 1.5 hours Higher – minimum 2 hours In addition to this, revision of vocabulary and grammar is expected.
What should I do if I don’t have set homework What should I do if I don’t have set homework? Revise vocabulary Practise grammar ( Access Scholar for reading and listening Listen to MFL radio/Watch MFL TV Read as much as possible (e.g. Press Reader App) Pick out/Highlight key phrases from reading and listening which can be recycled
What should I do if I don’t have set homework What should I do if I don’t have set homework? Watch films with MFL subtitles (or vice versa) Read news online in MFL Listen to audio book/podcasts Listen to MFL music (youtube) Anything which increases your exposure to the MFL is useful and it’s always worth going over classwork to check understanding.
How do I widen my vocabulary? Little and often is the key to learning vocabulary Revise vocabulary at least twice a week Make your own vocabulary flashcards Practise vocabulary (Quizlet/Languagesonline) Build up your own vocabulary list on different topics and learn Have a ‘post-it’ wall in your room with new vocabulary Read widely and note down any new words that you come across
What should I do to improve my grammar? Go over notes at least twice a week Learn the present tense verbs inside out Ensure that you are confident with all tenses covers all of the basics
How do I improve my reading How do I improve my reading? Read voraciously - anything and everything, make a note of any new vocabulary Read MFL comics/magazines/articles (download Press Reader app) Read the news online in MFL Change setting on phone/ipad to MFL Read MFL version of books that you already know Watch films in English with MFL subtitles on
How do I improve my listening? Watch films in MFL with English subtitles on Watch your favourite films in MFL with no subtitles Download MFL radio app and listen daily Listen to MFL songs on Youtube (learn the lyrics) Listen to MFL music whilst reading lyrics and sing along Listen to MFL audio-books or podcasts
How do I improve my speaking? Practise reading MFL aloud/speaking to friends in MFL Think and talk to yourself in the MFL – sounds strange but it works Check pronunciation with Pronounce app/wordreference Record yourself doing mini presentations Time yourself and see how long you can talk on a given topic Read past paper listening transcripts aloud to get a feel for words and phrases
How do I improve my writing? Practise writing out vocabulary Write a daily journal in MFL Practise transcription (writing down what you hear from listening files e.g. SQA past papers). Pick out and recycle good phrases from reading passages/past papers (also useful for speaking)
General Tips Use the Duolingo app Use the Memrise app Use Press Reader App Use Quizlet/Kahoot for revision Use Scholar regularly Don’t be afraid to make mistakes Make up mind-maps in MFL on each topic Learn fillers for speaking Practise every day – little and often is key
Advice Do homework as soon as you get it Start revising now (impossible to cram vocabulary) Start picking out good phrases for each topic and learning them (good for listening and writing) Plan your time carefully Work consistently over the whole year Go the extra mile (do additional revision) Work at dictionary skills (don’t just use online) Set yourself goals e.g. learn 10 words per night
What can I do to help my child succeed? Encourage daily access to MFL resources Test vocabulary Time speaking activities/presentations Encourage to complete homework at first opportunity and adopt good studying habits Encourage additional study Encourage study schedule Spark interest in the country too – read up about culture, customs & traditions
Thank you for your time. Any Questions?