How is your image like being Head of 6th form?
Ofsted Outcomes Outstanding Exempt Risk assessment including: IDSR Current Time Type of inspection Outcomes Outstanding Exempt Risk assessment including: IDSR DfE performance table Parent view Complaints Unless there are concerns with performance or Ofsted are carrying out a multi agency inspection then there will not be an inspection. Good Usually 4 years. Section 8- ‘short’ one day inspection Remains good Good with marked improvement Sufficient evidence of outstanding- next inspection 5 in 1 or 2 years May no longer be good Would not remain good- next inspection s5 usually in 1 or 2 years. Inadequate in one or more areas of s5 inspection. S5 usually within 48 hours. Requires Improvement Up to 30months Section 5- Two day inspection Evidence the school is now good. Improvement in some areas but key aspects less than good S5 again within two years s8 monitoring in between Serious weakness Up to 30 months Normally re-inspected within 30 months (S5) Monitoring visits 12-30 months (S8) Special measures Normally re-inspected within 30months.
Ofsted Judgement Changes for September 2019 4 new judgement areas Ofsted’s proposing to replace the current inspection judgements with the following: Quality of education Personal development Behaviour and attitudes Schools’ leadership and management The existing 'overall effectiveness' judgement and 4 point grading scale will continue. In January, Ofsted will consult on the: New framework Individual inspection handbooks By law Ofsted must fully inspect every 5 years- therefore Section 5 inspections are key!
Why is this important to you as Head of post 16? IDSR is scrutinised along with public data (DfE performance tables) and the L3VA report Outcomes Quality of T&L Attention is focused on whether leaders have the capacity to drive improvement 16-19 study programmes- its own section in the report! A school is judged to have serious weaknesses because one or more of the key judgements is inadequate (grade 4) and/or there are important weaknesses in the provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In require special measures if: • It is failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education and • The persons responsible for leading, managing or governing are not demonstrating the capacity to secure the necessary improvement in the school.
Being prepared- your SEF and SDP Analysis of data: Outcomes (Attainment, progress, groups and trends) IDSR Performance table data Current progress and attainment data All comparison to national SEF: Where you were summarised? Where are now? Evidence Where will you be- link to P16DP Current position Planned improvement activities Evaluation of impact Current contextual knowledge of your school PMR Targets Meeting minutes Departmental development plans P16DP: Where are you going? Why? How you will get there? Measurable Milestones Any recent inspection grading, comments, reviews, Ofsted, DfE, Academy reviews etc
IDSR overview Historic data Data for context, minimum standards, valued-added (progress), completion and attainment, retention, English and mathematics progress and destinations. Analysis of groups.
Areas to investigate Shows significant differences to national. May guide inspectors lines of enquiry Key questions for leaders: What are the areas? Why is this the case? What are you doing about it? Should be in your SEF and SDP
Learner characteristics Self explanatory Learner characteristics Ethnicity Gender How can we use this information for improvement planning? How can Post 16 context be used in conjunction with KS4 context? Deprivation indicates Retention
Prior attainment grade distribution These charts show the average prior attainment of learners currently studying A levels, applied general qualifications and tech levels. National figures are shown as pink lines. Are you being aspirational enough? Are students given appropriate A&G prior to joining? Consider- if your students prior attainment is significantly above national for applied general learners what questions could this raise with inspectors?
Progress measures Trends over time Key colours: Significantly below national Significantly above national Progress measures Trends over time Quintiles are based on value added scores for A level, AS level and Applied general, and completion and attainment scores for Tech levels. Data is shown for all pupils and by Key Stage 4 (KS4) prior attainment groups. For the last two years students who have entered Post 16 with an average grade C prior attainment have made progress in line with the bottom 20% of students nationally The school has been in the bottom 40% (4th Quintile) for progress for all students for the last two years. Quintiles means 5ths Red box means it is statistically significant Students with a average grade A or above made better progress in 2015 and 2016.
Progress measures Trends over time The same is applied to disadvantaged, males, females and progress on level 2 programmes of study.
Value Added These trend over time charts show how much progress learners have made in each subject. Inspectors will expect you to know the trends, and subject leaders/heads of department. where the confidence interval is wholly above the zero line, the VA score is significantly above average (sig+) where the confidence interval is wholly below the zero line, the VA score is significantly below average (sig-) Important considerations: Size of the cohort when looking at trends. Case studies to explain anomalies. The circle indicates the overall VA score by subject; this is the average of all the scores in the subject . The vertic al line indicates the confidence interval. A larger cohort leads to a smaller confidence interval, which is shown by a shorter vertical line and vice versa
Attainment Average point score (APS) for all subjects taken Average point score counting only the best three A The percentage of learners attaining at least AAB (two facilitating subjects) The facilitating subjects are mathematics and further mathematics, English literature, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history a nd languages (classical and modern). Learners are split vertically by the average prior attainment grade at key stage 4.
DfE Performance tables overview Published in January 2019 for some measures and March for all. You will be expected to know this data and have used it to plan your Post 16 improvement plan. APS compared to LA and national. Progress measure compared to national Retention Then further broken down in to: Academic Applied general Tech levels Also: level 2 qualifications English and Maths Destination data Biggest risk to performance tables- students coming back in to the count.
Most importantly your own data Head of Post 16 should have: APS for each of the headline measures APS for each subject Progress analysis for each of the above Analysis of key groups for example pp Trends over time for the school and per subject Comparisons to national For 2018 outcomes to inform the P16DP and at the every data drop this analysis needs to be used to review the progress on the development plan.
Activity part 1 independent task Using your own data, identify your key Post 16 strengths and improvement priorities. Ideally 4 or 5 for each. IDSR Performance table data Your own un-validated data for 2018 outcomes Contextual knowledge of your 6th form Record these priorities on the table provided.
Activity part 2: Swap your data with your colleague Your role is critical friend: Using the available data complete the critical friend review. Share your analysis with your partner. Consider and discuss: Do the lines of enquiry match the priorities? Are there similarities in the strengths and areas for improvement between your two settings? Finally Agree the final priorities and write them clearly on your P16 improvement planning ideas
Activity part 3- Actions The most important part- your capacity to drive improvement Discuss and record actions you have implemented or could implement to address the priority. Share with colleagues on your table so that they can add to your improvement table. Move tables to look at others priorities and suggest improvements.
Opportunity for peer reviews What does this involve? An opportunity to have a non-judgemental review of your Post 16 provision. Matched with a colleague from a similar setting. An objective view of your provision. Informal feedback which can be used to self evaluate and lead your development planning. An opportunity to visit another school!
Key elements Reviewer(s) Reviewee It is a critical friend approach. Prepares by reviewing the schools data (as we have done today), also analyses key documents such as the SEF and SDP. Agrees the review with the Head teacher. Briefs SLT and staff Carries out the review, is objective, non judgemental and developmental in their approach. Prepares the timetable- ensure there is time for lunch. LW, book scrutiny, student interviews, joint obs and meetings. Gives feedback openly to the reviewee. Makes arrangements for the reviewer for example they have somewhere to work etc Summarises feedback (as we have done today) Agrees focus with reviewer Sign up sheet on your table