FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
NOTE: THE NEXT TEAM ESSAY, INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND ANALYZED SOURCE PACKETS FOR ESSENTIAL QUESTION #2 ARE COMING DUE! KNOW AND ADHERE TO THE DUE DATES LISTED BELOW. RECOMMEND YOU START WRITING YOUR INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION ESSAY NOW, MAKE ANY ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS PRIOR TO 11:59 PM, WEDNESDAY, 10/17. Team members: Individual essay contributions for EQ #2 due 11:59 pm Wednesday, October 17 to Turnitin.com Team editors: Team essay for EQ #2 due at 11:59 am Saturday, October 20, to Turnitin.com ALL team members: Analyzed source packets, underlined/highlighted and glossed, due at the start of class October 22.
Three questions tonight and throughout the course: What is history Three questions tonight and throughout the course: What is history? What do we know about it, especially early American history? ? How do we know?
We will pursue our understanding of American history through essential questions. Essential questions - are open-ended, no single definitive answer - tie the past to the present - require analytical thinking (SHEG) and techniques - examine primary and secondary sources - must be supported by American history content
FDR and the New Deal 8 Questions: FDR, who said “the only thing to fear is fear itself “, was afraid of this.
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” Hundred Days Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal Notes 1932 Election http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL0Qt7IF8Q4
FDR and the New Deal Notes: FDR http://www.pbs.org/kenburns/the-roosevelts/watch-videos/ 1:40:55 – 1:46:41
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something. - Franklin D. Roosevelt Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” to 1936 “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Summary Question: In what ways did the New Deal succeed? In what ways did it fail? (ISTEP) Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
FDR and the New Deal http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ mediaplay.php?id=1 4540&admin=32
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
FDR and the New Deal 8 Questions: FDR, who said “the only thing to fear is fear itself “, was afraid of this.
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal Unemployment , 1929 - 1939
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal
FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Summary Essential question #2: To what extent did the United States act independently of the rest of the world internationally, socially, technologically, economically and politically from 1914 – 1945?
Opposition to the New Deal FDR and the New Deal Outline 1932 Election FDR New Deal Philosophy “Hundred Days” “Second” New Deal Opposition to the New Deal Question: In what ways did opponents of the New Deal attack it?
FDR and the New Deal Notes 1932 Election Happy Days Are Here Again So long sad times!, Go 'long bad times!, We are rid of you at last Howdy, gay times! Cloudy gray times, You are now a thing Of the past, cause: Chorus: Happy days are here again The skies above are clear again Let us sing a song of cheer again Happy days are here again Altogether shout it now! There's no one who can doubt it now So let's tell the world about it now Happy days are here again Your cares and troubles are gone; There'll be no more from now on Happy days are here again The skies above are clear again Let us sing a song of cheer again Happy days are here again FDR and the New Deal Notes 1932 Election http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL0Qt7IF8Q4
FDR and the New Deal
Has the federal government gone too far in extending assistance to America’s unemployed or poor? With other types of spending?
FDR and the New Deal Notes: FDR Question: What aspects in Roosevelt’s background were well suited to lead the nation? Which were not?
FDR and the New Deal Notes 1932 Election http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL0Qt7IF8Q4
Notes: Opposition to the New Deal FDR and the New Deal Notes: Opposition to the New Deal Question: In what ways did opponents of the New Deal attack it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqsT4xnKZPg&feature=related happy http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=ljU&q=happy+days+are+here+youtube&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=WdrfSsLmJ4S2sgPt8OjvCA&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBQQqwQwAA#q=ain%27t+got+no+home+in+this+world+youtube&hl=en&emb=0&client=firefox-a ain’t got no home
FDR and the New Deal Outline Summary Question: In what ways did the New Deal succeed? In what ways did it fail?
FDR and the New Deal Outline Summary Question: In what ways did the New Deal succeed? In what ways did it fail?
FDR and the New Deal 1st “fireside chat”, 5/33 http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ mediaplay.php?id=1 4540&admin=32