Target and detectors 9Li 11Li n n Coulomb breakup Target nucleus


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Presentation transcript:

Target and detectors 9Li 11Li n n Coulomb breakup Target nucleus The detection of -rays from Coulomb excitation and neutron transfer reactions in RIBs requires a very efficient Ge-detector array. The -ray multiplicity is low, typically less than three, which entails the Ge-detectors to be placed closer to the target than usual. Moreover, the anti-Comptons on the sides are not really needed allowing a denser coverage of the solid angle by Ge-detectors. 11Li n n Coulomb breakup Target nucleus Although the bombarding energy of 2 MeV/u is rather small, the reaction products have typical velocities of 5-10% c which results in significant Doppler shifts of the deexcitation -rays. A high Ge-array granularity is therefore absolutely necessary to reduce the Doppler-broadening of the -rays. To further allow for Doppler shift correction a position-sensitive silicon detector (DSSSD) detects scattered ions (or the recoiling target nuclei) in relevant solid angle. In order to detect also -rays spectra without coincidence with the scattered (recoiling) nuclei, despite of the large anticipated background radiation, a standard start detector will be used and allow a better timing than the LINAC reference.