WGF Sub-group on Reporting Progress report CIS SCG 17-18 May 2017, Brussels Dagmar Behrendt Kaljarikova
WGF Sub-group on Reporting Main objective Update the FD's reporting tools (for the next reporting cycle) based on lessons learned from the 1st cycle of implementation in order to: Facilitate reporting & assessment of reported information and data Harmonise with the WFD WGF Sub-group on Reporting AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FR, IE, IT, NL, PL, RO, SE, SK, UK, EC & EEA Dedicated space in CIRCABC Next reporting cycle: PFRAs/APSFRs by March 2019 FHRMs by March 2020 FRMPs by March 2022 Tentative plan: 2017-18 assessment of FRMPs 2018-19 evaluation of the FD 2019-21 potential revision of the FD
Envisaged outcomes by December 2017 Updated CIS Guidance document, replacing the existing Guidance document No. 29 Updated electronic schemas Updated specifications for automatic quality assurance routines
Progress up to day Initial meeting of the WGF Sub-group on Reporting (31/1/2017, Brussels) Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle of implementation of the FD Conclusions available on CIRCABC First technical meeting of the WGF Sub-group on Reporting (16-17/3/2017, Bucharest) Presentation, discussion and agreement/comments on the Concept paper for the update of the FD's reporting tools Conclusions available on CIRCABC; the key ones to be noted are: Initial discussion on the update of the CIS Guidelines 29 on Reporting under the Floods Directive Presentation of the ToRs in support of the sub- group's work Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (EC DG ENV) Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (Presentations from MSs)
Progress up to day The existing Guidance No. 29 and the existing electronic schemas will be updated in accordance with the lessons learned from the 1st cycle of implementation of the FD and its reporting, building on the principles of the 2nd cycle reporting for the WFD, as well as comments/suggestions from MS and the Commission for improvements. The Commission underlined and strongly suggested that the reporting of complete sets of information in the 2nd cycle will ensure consistency and integrity of the data provided. Attempting piecemeal updates in the 2nd cycle would only lead to difficulties in data integration and the necessity to go back to the MS asking for clarifications or additional information. A first draft of updated electronic schemas to be developed by the middle of May, clearly highlighting proposed changes – done for PFRA, APSFR and FHRM (FRMP to be provided soon) Initial discussion on the update of the CIS Guidelines 29 on Reporting under the Floods Directive Presentation of the ToRs in support of the sub- group's work Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (EC DG ENV) Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (Presentations from MSs)
Upcoming meetings Second extended (2 days) technical meeting of the WGF Sub- group on Reporting (30-31/05/2017, Brussels) Discussion and agreement/comments on the proposed changes to the electronic schemas for PFRA, APSFR, FHRM, FRMP. Initial discussion on the update of Guidance No. 20 Third technical meeting of the WGF Sub-group on Reporting (06/09/2017, Brussels) Updated electronic schemas for PFRA, APSFR, FHRM, FRMP, reflecting comments of EC/MS, tabled for discussion and agreement. Updated Guidance No. 20 presented for discussion, agreement/comments Initial discussion on the update of the CIS Guidelines 29 on Reporting under the Floods Directive Presentation of the ToRs in support of the sub- group's work Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (EC DG ENV) Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (Presentations from MSs)
Upcoming meetings Final technical meeting of the WGF Sub-group on Reporting (17-18/10/2017, Tallinn) Finalisation of updated Reporting tools for FD CIS SCG meeting (9-10/11/2017, Brussels) The final reporting tools, approved by the WGF Sub-group on Reporting, will be tabled for agreement. Water Directors meeting (4-5/12/2017, Tallinn) The package of updated reporting tools to be tabled for endorsement by Water Directors Initial discussion on the update of the CIS Guidelines 29 on Reporting under the Floods Directive Presentation of the ToRs in support of the sub- group's work Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (EC DG ENV) Lessons learnt from the 1st cycle (Presentations from MSs)
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