9 Sustainable Development The sustainable use of resources The goal of Fairtrade and its potential impact on development How minority groups can be discriminated against The idea of self reliance – development as self-help
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Need to make sure that our current way of living does not destroy our planet More than just reducing environmental damage Ensuring that every person on our planet is treated in a fair and humane manner
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development The Sustainable use of resources in Ireland Sources of sustainable energy in Ireland: The sun (solar energy) Wind Water (hydropower, wave and tidal energy)
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development The Sustainable use of resources in Ireland (Continued) Heat below the surface of the earth (geothermal energy) Biomass (wood, waste, energy crops) Renewable energy sources met only 4.9% of Ireland’s total energy requirement 2009 Renewable initiatives Electric cars New renewable technologies Wave energy
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Fairtrade – helping to create more equitable societies The ability of all to meet their own needs without relying on the assistance and aid of others The International Fairtrade Certification Mark Producers of products like tea, coffee and bananas forced to live in poor conditions Do not receive an adequate return from their crops Fairtrade certify a product is the price received by the producers
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Case Study: The International Fairtrade Certification Mark and Tea Production in Malawi Malawi is the second largest tea producer in Africa 49,000 tonnes of tea produced per year 10,000 smallholder tea farmers 21 tea estates Fairtrade certified producers are: Satemwa Sukambizi Eastern Outgrowers
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Four positive effects on those growers and workers using its scheme: Stronger, better-run farmers’ organisations Empowering farmers and workers Improving working conditions and wages Increasing market access for small farmers
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Sustainability – Justice and minority issues Ability to achieve a more equitable way of life for all can be complicated by the needs and demands of minority groups Sexual orientation Racial discrimination Religious discrimination Sustainability is in part about justice for all in society including minority groups Discrimination may take many different forms and can lead to conflict
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Facilitating Sustainability – self-help and microfinance For sustainable development to occur people must be able to contribute to society Breaking poverty cycles Enabling self-help initiatives encourages sustainable development
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development Microfinance ‘banking for the poor’ Small loans and other financial services from local organisations called Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Loans are used to start, sustain or expand very small, self-supporting businesses Once a loan is repaid it is recycled as another loan Educate local communities on how to improve their lives Provide basic health services care for their members and their children
Chapter 9: Sustainable Development The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh Founded by 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus World’s largest and most successful MFI More than seven million members MFIs do not require people to have collateral or security Loans are given out to groups of five people to ensure that the loans are repaid Most loans are given to women