How did vernacular change society? Bell Ringer How did vernacular change society?
1.2 The Northern Renaissance
The Northern Renaissance Begins 1453: 100 Years War ends – cities begin to grow in other parts of Europe N. Europe unified by strong monarchs Sponsored artists and writers 1494: France invades N. Italy Italian artists flee north and bring ideas with them Differences between Italian/Northern Ren. Art focuses more on realism More focus on changing society
Albrecht Dürer Greatest German Renaissance artist Produced woodcuts and engravings
Hans Holbein Painted portraits in photographic detail Known for portraits of the English royal family
Jan van Eyck Developed oil-based paints Realistic details and personality Still use his techniques today
Pieter Bruegel the Elder Skilled in portraying real life scenes Focused on peasantry – rather than royalty or religion
Northern (Christian) Humanists Desiderius Erasmus 1509: Wrote The Praise of Folly Believed in Christianity of the heart and studying the Bible for yourself Thomas More 1516: Wrote Utopia Means “no place” Tried to show a better society
The Elizabethan Age Mid-1500’s: Ren. Spreads to England under Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Supported the arts – including William Shakespeare Famous for Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, etc Focuses on human beings and dramatic conflict
Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas 1045: Chinese invent movable type 1440: Johann Gutenberg develops printing press Produces books quicker and cheaper Printed Gutenberg Bible in 1455
Legacy of the Renaissance Paintings and sculptures portrayed individuals realistically Writers used vernacular Society became more secular Printing made information more available Literacy rose throughout Europe People began to question political structures and religious practices