Did someone monkey with the laws of nature ? Unit 1.1 Big Bang and Beyond Did someone monkey with the laws of nature ? Unit 1.1
Theories of the Origin of the Universe Ancient Creation Theories Modern Theories Greek Mythology (Chaos) Hinduism (Cosmic sleep of gods) Chinese (Pangu) Biblical account of Creation (God) Continuous creation Big Bang Theory – There was a beginning. The commonly accepted theory
What is the “Big Bang”? Fred Responsible for giving Hoyle Questions NOT answered Responsible for giving the term “Big Bang” WHO/WHAT started it? WHAT came before it? WHAT lies beyond the universe?
To understand the Big Bang you must know Einstein’s Famous Equation E = mc2 E = Energy m = mass c = speed of light (8 x 106 m/s) Universe began as 100% energy Some Energy converted to mass Energy & Mass are interchangeable
To understand the Big Bang you must know Chemical Particle Composition Atom Nucleus Basic Chemical Unit Protons p+ Neutrons n0 Electrons e-
To understand the Big Bang you must know The 4 Forces of Nature Gravity Electromagnetic force Nuclear Weak force Nuclear Strong force Weakest, Attractive force b/t objects w/mass Attractive and repulsive 1039 times > than gravity Cause n0 p+ 1028 times > than gravity Holds the nucleus together 1041 times stronger than gravity
Big Bang Timeline <1st s Singularity All matter, energy, space, time compressed into area of 0 volume & infinite density So hot matter couldn’t form Pure Energy This moment in time
More an “expansion” than an “explosion” Space itself expanded! Big Bang Timeline <1st s More an “expansion” than an “explosion” Space itself expanded! 4 Forces 1 Unified Force
Newtonian Physics (big) & Quantum Mechanics (small) Big Bang Timeline Grand Unified Theory Theory that unifies … Newtonian Physics (big) & Quantum Mechanics (small)
Big Bang Timeline 1 x 10-35 s 4 Forces broke apart No Light
Universe expanded & cooled Big Bang Timeline .01 s Baryonic (visible) sub-particles formed (quarks) Universe expanded & cooled
Light (photons) Matter in form of p+, n0, e- Big Bang Timeline 1 s Plasma Universe Light (photons) Matter in form of p+, n0, e-
Big Bang Timeline 100 s Nucleosynthesis 1 Billion ºK Hydrogen forms
Signature Radiation Estab. Big Bang Timeline 56,000 years 364,000 years (plasma ends) CMB 9000 ºK Helium & Lithium Signature Radiation Estab.
A most magnificent picture! cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). The CMB is the remnants of the intense energy emitted by the primordial fireball in the big bang. It was once intensely hot, but now has cooled to a chilly 2.725 degrees Kelvin (-270.4 degrees Celsius or -454.8 degrees Fahrenheit). This one picture solidified the BBT as the prominent beginning of everything and disproved homogenous & isotropic predictions.
Stars, galaxies, heavier elements formed Big Bang Timeline 100 mil years 200 mil years Gravity forms small particles Stars, galaxies, heavier elements formed
13.7 Billion Years Big Bang Timeline If we know how fast the universe is expanding we can calculate how old the universe is? 13.7 Billion Years
Big Bang Timeline 4.6 Bil years Our Solar System forms
Cosmic Microwave Background Major Evidences of BBT Chemical Makeup Explained Hubble Expanding Universe 4 Forces of Nature Explained Cosmic Microwave Background
13.7 Billion Years Big Bang Terms to Know Homogeneous Isotropic Same density throughout universe Universe expanding at same rate everywhere 13.7 Billion Years
Big Bang Terms to Know Hubble’s Law Anthropic Principle Galaxies further away move faster away than closer galaxies “Goldilocks Phenomena” Everything is exactly what it is to sustain life on earth!
Big Bang Terms to Know Dark Energy (70%) Dark Matter (25%) Visible Matter (5%) Unseen energy in space Unseen matter in space Light-emitting matter
Review of Big “Bang” Technically, there was no “bang” Technically, galaxies are not moving away from each other Reality: space expands When there is more space between galaxies, they “move” away from each other Analogy: dots on an expanding balloon Isaiah 45:12 …I have stretched out the heavens... It’s only ancient document that mentions an expanding Universe
Beyond the Big Bang Big Bang Theory explains how the Universe first started but leaves many unanswered questions Time, Space and Matter were created in the Big Bang Before the bang, there were no time, no space and no matter Physics has not solved the question “What’s before the Big Bang” If I hear a small bang, I will ask “Who or what caused it” So “Who or what caused the Big Bang” ? Other factors determine how the Universe will develop: Amount of matter in the Universe Physical properties of the matter Strength of the fundamental forces