WELCOME TO 9TH GRADE class of 2020
Students – If a student wants to see me Non-emergency Request to see me Early morning At Lunch Right after school (I may have a conference) Emergency Tell your teacher you need to see Ms. Brown
Staying in the know Register to receive announcements through REMIND
Graduation Requirements
Ninth Grade Check List
Extra Help and Resources Blancheely.browardschools.com Guidance page Naviance/Family connection Flvs.net Meet online requirement AP test prep Khanacademy.org EOC test prep PSAT test prep
ABSENT Make-up work is not equal to the experience of in-class activities In math one day after school for each day abs. 5 absences = take all exams Less than ½ class time = 1 absence 3 tardies = 1 absence
Absences If absence is incorrect Check with the attendance clerk School related functions – give us 3 days to correct It is your responsibility to ask for makeup work. For every one day you are absent you have 2 days to makeup the work upon your return. Pre-arranged absence's ask for work before you leave
Ms. BROWN’s Advice Check your Pinnacle at least twice a week . If you don’t understand something ask questions. Before the school year end set up an appointment to meet with me. It is not to early to prepare for ACT and SAT. Manage your time wisely. Make a plan that will help you with completing homework and studying for upcoming tests. Set some long range and short term goals for you to complete this school year. Place them where you can see them everyday.