Incoming Sixth Grade Students Granger Middle School
District Requirements Physical Education and Health combine to make a required, full-year course for 6th grade students. Essential Tech (Computer I) is a semester (1/2 year) required course. Students selecting Option 3 will need to take the required Creative Tech (Computer II) as well during their 6th grade year.
Band, Chorus, or Orchestra Students Option 1 Band, Chorus, or Orchestra Students If Band, Chorus, or Orchestra is one of your choices, indicate that choice by placing an X on the respective line. Combination courses (ie Band/Chorus or Orchestra/Chorus combo)may be selected and will be scheduled on an alternate day basis. If you are interested in a combination course, place an X on the lines of your two choices. If you do not wish to be in Band, Chorus, or Orchestra do not mark this Option. Band ____ Orchestra _____ Chorus _____ Instrument _________________ Signature of Instrumental Music Teacher: __________________________
Option 1 Band Chorus Orchestra 6th Grade P.E./Health Band/Chorus/Orchestra Essential Tech(S)/ Design & Modeling/ FACS nnn
Foreign Language Students Option 2 Foreign Language Students While the comprehensive two-year Foreign Language courses do not begin until 7th grade, students need to indicate that they wish to participate in the Middle School Foreign Language program.
Option 2 Foreign Language 6th Grade P.E./Health Essential Tech(S)/ FLEX/ Study Skills General Music/ Art/Design & Modeling/FACS
Band, Chorus, or Orchestra Students + Foreign Language Students Option 3 Band, Chorus, or Orchestra Students + Foreign Language Students While the comprehensive, two year foreign language courses do not begin until 7th grade, any student who wishes to take Foreign Language plus Band, Chorus, or Orchestra must follow a prescribed path in order to meet the computer requirements for District 204 middle school students. These 6th grade students must take two semesters of computers, and consequently, their schedules do not permit them to take any of our other exploratory or elective offerings.
Option 3 BCO and Foreign Language 6th Grade P.E./Health BCO Essential Tech/Creative Tech Important Note: Students choosing this option will have PE, BCO, and Foreign Language during 7th and 8th grade.
Option 4 Students Not Wishing to Take Foreign Language or BCO (Band, Chorus, or Orchestra) Sixth grade students who do not take Band, Chorus, or Orchestra have four, nine-week rotations of Music, Art, Design & Modeling, and Family & Consumer Science. In addition, these students will also have nine weeks of Foreign Language Experience (FLEX), and nine weeks of Study Skills.
Essential Tech/ Study Skills/ Flex Music/Art/ Design & Modeling/ FACS Option 4 Non-BCO/FL 6th Grade P.E./Health Essential Tech/ Study Skills/ Flex Music/Art/ Design & Modeling/ FACS
Please indicate your choice Check the appropriate box Option 1: ___________ Band/Orchestra/Chorus ONLY *Please make sure you have indicated your BCO choice/instrument in the appropriate box* Option 2: ___________ Foreign Language ONLY Option 3: ___________ Band/Orchestra/Chorus + Foreign Language *Please make sure you have indicated your BCO choice/instrument in the appropriate box* Option 4: ___________ Students Not Wishing to Take Foreign Language or BCO
the Elective Registration Form 2017-2018 to your fifth grade teacher Return the Elective Registration Form 2017-2018 to your fifth grade teacher by JANUARY 27th