Introduction to Dreamweaver Presented by TRAINER NAME For support, call 877 932-8228 x4
Topics to Cover Introductions Logistics Exercises Class outline
Brief Introductions Your Trainer Instructor Name Providing Technical Training since 1998 Specialize in… Personal Student Introduction Name Company Experience Goals
How class works: Logistics Start time: 10:00AM ET End time: 5:00PM ET Brunch / Lunch: 1:00PM ET Morning and Afternoon breaks: 10-15 minutes
How class works: Exercises There will be hands-on exercises throughout the class. When introducing the exercise, I’ll tell you how much time you have and when class will start back up. Sharing your application. During exercises, I may ask you to share the application you’re working on, so I can see how you’re doing. Don’t worry if you don’t finish every exercise. We will review them.
Using WebEx Meeting Window Full-Screen Mode Setting Sound Alerts Participants Chat Mute/Unmute Full-Screen Mode You can access above panels via the following icon tray: Setting Sound Alerts From Edit menu, select: Preferences > Chat and/or Participants tab > set preferences.
Class Outline And Files .cfm Class Files Included in CD-Rom in book.
Finally: Remember to: Close all unnecessary applications Let others know not to disturb you Mute your phone Any questions? So, lets get started!
Class Delivery… Let’s get to it!
Almost done… Evaluations Stay connected with Webucator
Evaluations Choose class and click on Final Evaluation button. If you liked the class, please consider providing a quote. Please complete the evaluation now. Stop to allow students to do them.
Technology Training Business Training Microsoft Java XML Google * Windows * SharePoint * SQL Server * ASP.NET * C# * Visual Basic * Office * Exchange * Dynamics Java * Basics * Java EE * Apache Struts * EJB * Spring * Hibernate Web Services XML * XSLT * XSL-FO * XML Schema Google *GWT *Google Analytics *SEO Database & Reporting * Crystal Reports * SQL * SQL Server * Oracle * MySQL * Microsoft Access Web Design * HTML * CSS * JavaScript * Ajax * Dynamic HTML Web Development * PHP * ASP Classic * Perl * ColdFusion * ASP.NET Adobe * Dreamweaver * Flash * Captivate * Flex * Contribute * FrameMaker * Acrobat * Illustrator * InDesign * Photoshop * RoboHelp Management *Business Management *Leadership *Project Management *Sales Business Skills *Communication *Customer Service *HR *Marketing Finance & Accounting *Accounting *Budgeting *Finance *QuickBooks Remember, we offer many classes in a variety of content areas.
Connect with Webucator My email address is Additional classes or Onsite training: 877-932-8228 x3 Follow Webucator: Twitter: Facebook: Blogs: Let students know they can contact us for future classes and can follow us on Twitter and Facebook for special deals.