HT Publication Prizes Games Happy Fall Break ! October 8-12 Wish List Mrs. Crystal Hill and Ms. Kenna Thompson October 1-5, 2018 Wish List We need donations for FALL CARNIVAL on October 20th (11-3)! Specific donations are listed on this newsletter. WE NEED ANYTHING MEMPHIS TIGER FOR OUR SILENT AUCTION BASKET! * We need donations for our treasure boxes. * We need Lysol spray. Announcements/Reminders Topics & Tests **Carnival Donations Needed** **Reading: Short Passages throughout the week; Focus Skill – Character Traits *QUIZ FRIDAY **Spelling: Root: cred (believe) **English: Prepositional Phrases and Progressive Verb Tenses **Writing: Explanatory **Math: Chapter 4 (Multiplication) *MULTIPLICATION (0-7) QUIZ FRIDAY **Science: Photosynthesis, Balance of Ecosystems Prizes Games *anything dinosaur related (Dollar Tree & Family Dollar stores have tons of stuff) •glow sticks •slap bracelets •sidewalk chalk •cans of silly string •silly putty •big pixy sticks •nerd ropes •any individual candy that is NOT chocolate (nerds, smarties, starburst, blow pops) *plastic Easter eggs (variety of sizes) *tattoos *dinosaur trinkets *rolls of Saran Wrap (can be the cheaper brand) *full size candy (bags of skittles, sour worms) *any kind of larger item/prize that children may enjoy playing with (mini figures, playing cards, $5 gift cards, etc.) Happy Fall Break ! October 8-12 Resources Family Learning Center - 475-5967 The mission of Atoka Elementary School is to provide a challenging learning environment that prepares students for college and career readiness through academic, behavioral, and social achievement.