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Why shop on your portal? Earn up to 50 percent cash back for purchasing Market America branded products and those from our Partner Stores where you see the ma® Cashback logo. Earn 1/2 percent on referral purchases forever Talking Points All products ordered through your BDC accumulate toward completion of the third step: Qualify A BDC becomes qualified after it has accumulated 200 Business Volume (BV) Once your BDC has been qualified, it will begin to accrue Business Volume (BV) from orders placed by Independent Distributors and Sales Representatives in your sales and distribution organizations Note: qualification only needs to be performed once, provided minimum activity requirements are satisfied It is important to qualify your BDC as quickly as possible, so you are able to accrue Business Volume (BV) The sooner you qualify, the sooner you will be eligible to earn commissions and bonuses 4
10 Customers shopping on your portal Your Job? 10 Customers shopping on your portal & 10 Customers purchasing exclusive products
Apply Sales Representative UnFranchise Owner (Independent Distributor) No cost Buy product at Independent Distributor cost and earn gross retail profit UnFranchise Owner (Independent Distributor) Subscription Fee Buy product at Independent Distributor Cost and earn gross retail profit Participate in the Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP) and earn commissions Talking Points Review policies and procedures Complete Independent Distributor Application and Agreement Two options when applying: 1. Sales Representative 2. Independent Distributor Establish your Business Development Center (BDC) in database Access Mall Without Walls™ Track group sales within your two sales and distribution organizations Your address: Distinct I.D. #, followed by a three-digit extension # 6
Qualify Accumulate 200 BV to qualify your Business Development Center (BDC) which opens both your left and right BV and IBV banks Talking Points All products ordered through your BDC accumulate towards completion of the third step: Qualify A BDC becomes qualified after it has accumulated 200 Business Volume (BV) Once your BDC has been qualified, it will begin to accrue Business Volume (BV) from orders placed by Independent Distributors and Sales Representatives in your sales and distribution organizations Note: qualification only needs to be performed once, provided minimum activity requirements are satisfied It is important to qualify your BDC as quickly as possible, so you are able to accrue Business Volume (BV) The sooner you qualify, the sooner you will be eligible to earn commissions and bonuses 7
Activate Personally sponsor and place one qualified Independent Distributor in your left organization and one qualified Independent Distributor in your right organization Once activated you become eligible to earn commissions and bonuses based on the accrued BV & IBV from your left and right organizations Q: Why just two sales and distribution organizations? A: The number 2 is the smallest multiplier for the highest profit. Statistics show that the average person successfully develops 2.8 organizations Talking Points Personally sponsor and place one qualified Independent Distributor in your left organization and one qualified Independent Distributor in your right organization Objective: To develop these Independent Distributors into successful UnFranchise® Owners managing an organization of Customer Managers and Independent Distributors Can you think of anyone interested in operating his/her own home-based business that could generate an income of $300 to $3,600 per week or more? Can you think of someone interested in choosing a 2– to 3–Year plan for his/her own success rather than the 45-year plan, working for someone else’s success? Once activated, you become eligible to earn commissions and bonuses based on the accrued Business Volume from your left and right organizations MPCP- the least amount of production yields the highest return Why two? - The number two (2) is the smallest multiplier for the highest profit - In line with what the average person has been proven to do 8
People lead to more people Talking Points Teach, manage, and support other people’s success Teach each person how to Apply, Create, Qualify and Activate By sponsoring more than two Independent Distributors, you help others succeed, while speeding up your success As new Independent Distributors are added to your organisation, you are expanding distribution and further leveraging time Success through Distribution…”I would rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 people than 100% of my own efforts” – J. Paul Getty In order to be successful: Have a product that everybody wants and needs Be your own boss Duplicate yourself 9
How Commissions are earned = $600 5,000 5,000 = $300 3,600 3,600 = $300 2,400 2,400 = $300 1,200 1,200 Talking Points No breakaways or limits in depth of search for purposes of accruing BV When you accrue at least 1,200 BV in your left and right organizations, you will have earned a $300 commission (Coordinator) If you fall short of the required 1,200 BV on either or both sides, you do not lose the volume for that week. It is carried over to the following week, and the following week’s BV totals are added to it until you meet the 1,200 BV criteria (it is not a question of IF you will earn, it is a question of WHEN) Volume accumulates up to one year when exercising the monthly accrual option When you accrue at least 1,200 BV more in your left and right organizations, equaling a total of at least 2400 BV accrued on each side, you will have earned another $300 When you accrue at least 1,200 BV more in your left and right organizations, equaling a total of at least 3,600 BV accrued on each side, you will have earned another $300 When you accrue at least 1,400 BV more in your left and right organizations, equaling a total of at least 5,000 BV accrued on each side you will have earned another commission for $600 (Executive Coordinator) Total commissions: $1,500 Your BDCs accrued volume totals are reset to zero, and begin accruing new BV toward 1,200, 2,400, 3,600, and 5,000 compensation criteria all over again Now, you have an organisation of UnFranchise® Owners and Independent Distributors with customers in place, re-ordering products and regenerating BV As time goes on, it becomes easier to earn weekly checks Existing Independent Distributors are adding new people and producing more repeat sales Becomes easier to reach 5,000/5,000 Until earning $1,500 every week Based on your accrued BV totals for a given week, you will earn anywhere form $300 to $1,500 per week 10
How Bonuses are earned 5 Key Differences 11 Talking Points All products ordered through your BDC accumulate toward completion of the third step: Qualify A BDC becomes qualified after it has accumulated 200 Business Volume (BV) Once your BDC has been qualified, it will begin to accrue Business Volume (BV) from orders placed by Independent Distributors and Sales Representatives in your sales and distribution organizations Note: qualification only needs to be performed once, provided minimum activity requirements are satisfied It is important to qualify your BDC as quickly as possible, so you are able to accrue Business Volume (BV) The sooner you qualify, the sooner you will be eligible to earn commissions and bonuses 5 Key Differences 11
Your Requirements Retail $200 of exclusive products quarterly Each Business Owner must perform the following minimums to participate in commissions Retail $200 of exclusive products quarterly Purchase 150 BV per quarter Submit a quarterly report Annual renewal
Founded in 1992, ma® is a Product Brokerage and Internet Marketing company that specializes in One-to-One Marketing. Financially Strong Experienced Leadership Proven Record of Success Positioned for Explosive Growth 70+ Quarters of Growth Financially Strong Same Management Team Global Company 13
A Web Portal, an Opportunity and the Power of People Independent Distributors and UnFranchise® Owners have earned the following since the company’s inception: Total estimated retail profits earned†: $988,475,454 + Total commissions earned: $1,016,763,474 = Total Distributor earnings: $2,005,238,928* *As of December 31, 2009. †Estimated retail profits based on suggested retail price Estimated accumulated retail sales†: $3,459,664,089 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 14
What would prevent you from getting more information. 3 options 1 What would prevent you from getting more information? 3 options 1. Join me at a Business Briefing for more information 2. Register as an owner 3. Register as a PC now or Get started right away? 15
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