Title should accurately and succinctly describe study (Limit 10 words) List author(s)/ key personnel (First name, Last name, Credentials) Example: Mary Smith MSN RN PNP Introduction or Background Searching the Evidence Applying Evidence to Practice Evaluation Describe the clinical problem and the specific objectives of your project. Describe the clinical problem and the specific objectives of your project. Describe the clinical problem and the specific objectives of your project. Describe your search strategy and key words. Describe the database(s) utilized (e.g. literature search engines, evidenced based web sites, organization web sites, electronic journals). Discuss recommendations for practice, research or education. Describe clinical implementation procedures. Describe the results of implementation of clinical practice changes and whether they were effective in improving care. List any insights or lessons learned from completion of this project Discuss recommendations for practice, research or education. Describe clinical implementation procedures. Discuss recommendations for practice, research or education. Describe clinical implementation procedures. Discuss recommendations for practice, research or education. Describe clinical implementation procedures. Discuss recommendations for practice, research or education. Describe clinical implementation procedures. Appraisal of Evidence Clinical Question Summarize relevant published literature and other evidence sources. Identify the level of evidence. Ask the question using the acronym PICO (P, patient or problem; I, intervention; C, comparison intervention; O, outcomes). More notes on this poster For poster presentation, remember to take push pins or a method to secure your poster to a display board and a handout that includes an abstract of your project and a few key references, and contact information (or business cards). © Texas Children’s Hospital. All rights reserved.