UNITED Values and PREVENT We stand UNITED against all forms of negative behaviour
By the end of the session all students will have an understanding of: Our UNITED Values What PREVENT is Why our UNITED Values and PREVENT are important Who to speak to if you have any concerns or would like further information
The Bundle of Sticks
Why is unity important? “Think about the story in the previous slide and look at the pictures and try to answer this question - Why is unity important?” Possible answers: We are stronger if we are united. We can get things done quicker if we all take part. We all have different skills which together create better ideas/products etc
Understand and respect the rule of law Critical thinking UNITED Values Understand and respect the rule of law Critical thinking Nurture mutual respect I ndividual liberty Tolerance of other faiths and beliefs …and non- belief Equality Democracy Examples: At Bradford College some of the rules that we have include: Wearing ID cards whilst in college, coming to college on time, smoking in designated areas. What are rules? Why is it important to respect rules? Do you have any rules at home? 2. Examples: opening the door for each other, not swearing or using violence, smoking in the designated areas, helping each other. What is respect? Why is this important? How do we nurture mutual respect? 3. Examples: We all have the freedom but with that freedom comes responsibility to do the right thing. If we misuse our freedom then it is taken away so if you get in to a fight at college you may get excluded which means you no longer have the freedom to use the facilities at college. What does liberty mean? Who is an individual? Do we have 100% freedom at College? (To practice what we want as long as this doesn’t have a negative impact on the freedom of others…if we break the rules then this freedom is taken away from us) 4. We are all different (no two people are the same) we all have different likes, dislikes, hobbies etc and we will never accept each others differences completely 100%. To tolerate is to allow something to happen or exist even if we don’t really agree with it (as long as this doesn’t cause harm to anyone else). This enables other people to enjoy the same freedom that we would expect to enjoy. At Bradford College we don’t tolerate any form of bullying, discrimination, hate crime or extremism. What does tolerance mean? Is there a difference between ‘tolerance’ and ‘acceptance.’ Why is it important to tolerate people with different views to ourselves? 5. Examples: At Bradford College we believe that all our students should be given appropriate support (within reason) to achieve their best. For some students this might mean extra support via resources such as technology whereas for others this might mean being allowed to come to the lesson 5 minutes later because they have young children to drop off at school before coming to college. What is Equality? Why is Equality important? 6. Examples: We promote our learner voice through the Students Union (elected reps), Course Reps (elected), Student Experience Surveys and Focus Groups; where we ask for student feedback on different aspects of college life. What is democracy? Why is democracy important? Explain that “Critical thinking is asking questions and looking at different views to get a better understanding of a topic. Have we been doing any critical thinking in this slide?” (if students don’t offer feedback then explain that for each value the questions all the what, why questions were linked to Critical Thinking). In the next slide we will look at an example of critical thinking.”
Critical Thinking Tell the story - Case Study: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_Gibson Belle Gibson – Australian Business Woman/ Scam Artist. Claimed she had many cancers and had cured them all through the ‘power of fruit and vegetables.’ “This story highlights the importance of critical thinking. After listening to the story do you think critical thinking is important? Why?” “ Is critical thinking just important for UNITED Values or in other areas of life, work and study?”
Learner Journey UNITED Values We all see fake news on a daily basis We all stereotype We all see fake news on a daily basis Stereotypes and fake news cloud our judgement! If not challenged this could lead to… Discrimination Hate Crime Extremism Family & Friends Media Critical Thinking Personal Experience “At Bradford College we have 20,000 students who don’t just come from Bradford or England or the UK but from around the world. These students (like you) come to the college with their qualifications, skills, ambitions but also with their prejudices based on where they have come from and who they have lived with, what experiences they have had and what they have been watching or reading on social media. For some of our students, day 1 at BC is the first time that they have sat next to or spoken with that comes from a totally different background to them. Now this could cause problems because if two in the same class take a dislike to each other on day 1 then the rest of the year will not be as enjoyable for then, the tutor and other students – why?” (if they don’t want to work or sit together then this will create problems when doing group activities or even deciding where to sit in class). “At BC we promote UV from day 1 all the way through to the end of the learner journey...induction, tutorials, enrichment, curriculum….one example of this is class rules to show mutual respect and tolerance, another might be how tutors keep moving students around in the class so that they get an opportunity to speak to and work with other students in the group.” Advantages of UV for us are: They challenge all forms of negative behaviour, stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice that can lead to potentially dangerous consequences. They promote unity, understanding and respect. They develop our questioning skills to challenge information that isn’t true. UV help to create an integrated college and communities. If we are all integrating then this makes it difficult for all the bad people to try and divide us so that they can use our anger and us to do their dirty work for them. our students leave the college with a qualification but also skills that make them better people, that make them more employable…skills that will help them to fit in to whichever society they choose to live and work in. UNITED Values
The PREVENT Duty UNITED Values support a law called The Prevent Duty Prevent aims to safeguard vulnerable individuals from the threat of radicalisation, extremism and terrorism. UV are part of Prevent.
Prevent aims to safeguard vulnerable individuals from the threat of radicalisation, extremism and terrorism. A. Safeguard Protect from harm or damage. B. Vulnerable Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. C. Radicalisation The process where an individual or group disobey the law and accept more and more extremist ideas. D. Extremism Holding opinions that support the use of illegal acts of violence and intimidation in order to achieve specific aims. E. Terrorism Unauthorised act of violence and intimidation in order to achieve specific aims.
Two extremist groups that are a real threat to the UK National Action ISIS (Daesh) Explain that currently the two groups that are a threat to the unity in the UK are: ISIS who have hijacked the Islamic faith and twist historical and religious data to recruit young Muslims from the UK to go out to Syria and fight in the name of Islam…even though nothing about ISIS is Islamic – apart from the name. National Action who use ISIS as a powerful propaganda tool to promote hatred against Muslims in the UK. Explain that so far hundreds of young people (both male and female) have taken part in extremist activities linked either to right wing extremism or ISIS and numbers are still increasing… so it’s a widespread threat to the community. Some young people who are not used to dealing with propaganda material are being persuaded and others might also be fooled by it when they come across it online. As students “How do you think these groups might try to persuade young people online?”
How do they get their message across? “How do they get their messages through? They use the internet because its cheap and because lots of young people are there already. The messages try to persuade the young person to follow the extremist ideology by using persuasive language, music videos, computer games, stories and cherry picked historical and religious information twisted to justify their cause in a way that is very appealing. Ask students for examples on what they could do if they came across anything like this or other dangerous material on line? Tell your tutor or progress coach.
Who Can I Speak To If I Am Concerned? Security Staff Progress Coach Tutor Student Base Students’ Union Safeguarding Team …or any other member of College staff…
PREVENT is a part of SAFEGUARDING The College Safeguarding team help to keep you safe in lots of ways. PREVENT is one of them Safeguarding Prevent is part of Safeguarding. We have a duty to protect against many dangers of which Prevent is one. In the Safeguarding induction you will hear about some of the other dangers that come under Safeguarding. At Bradford College all staff and students will receive training on UNITED Values and Prevent so that they know who to contact if they are concerned about anything. We also have systems in place so that if a student or staff member does need our help then we can support them appropriately. We continuously promote our UNITED values in induction, teaching and learning, tutorials because the more we use it everyday the more you will get used to these values and the more you will hopefully practice them and also challenge people who don’t. We do this to keep you safe…eg: why do you lock your door in the morning when you leave for college (to hopefully prevent someone breaking in). We do all this for the same reason….if you have all this information then hopefully it will prevent bad/dangerous people from promoting hate at Bradford College.
We stand UNITED against all forms of negative behaviour QUIZ Time What are UNITED Values - can you name them? What is Critical Thinking? What is Prevent? How do the above 3 work together to keep us safe? 5. Who can you speak to if you are concerned? Explain that “we have now come to the end of the training and so the last activity will be a quick quiz.” QUIZ: Answers They are values at the college that help to keep us all to work together to stay safe: understanding and respect of law, nurture mutual respect, Individual Liberty, Tolerance of Other Faiths and Beliefs, Equality, Democracy. 2. To think clearly and rationally about an issue. To research various sources of information to come to a better informed conclusion. To ask questions to confirm understanding. Prevent aims to safeguard vulnerable individuals from the threat of radicalisation, extremism and terrorism by raising awareness of what Prevent is and who to contact if you want more information or are concerned. 4. If we are all really united then then it will be difficult for bad people to separate us using fake news and propaganda. 5. Progress Coach or tutor in the first instance. Thank students for their participation and offer a quick recap of the key points if required. Explain that Prevent and UNITED values will also be covered in tutorials and in their main lessons. We stand UNITED against all forms of negative behaviour