Study on Child poverty and disparities in DRC By Paul Denis NZITA K. Workshop on social Policies, Abidjan, 12-14 February 2008
Presentation outline Background Objectives Methodology Composition of DRC team Progress achieved Constraints Adaptations Specific concerns
1. Background Humanitarian situation as consequence of two wars in DRC (1996,1998): three challenges Insufficient access to basic social services Low implementation of human rights related to the weakness of judiciary institutions Weaknesses (or absence) of formal social policies Necessity to know and better understand the situation of children and women in DRC ( Latest SITAN in 2002) 2007 DHS is a big opportunity for data relating to this study
2. Specific Objectives To identify gaps in economic and social policies implemented in DRC for the reduction of child poverty and disparities To determine policies which have contributed to the realization of child rights in DRC To determine key aspects of policies and their impact on children most affected by poverty
Methodology - 4 step analysis - 1. Poverty level and variation by province 2. Correlation between poverty level and Socioeconomic level of parents/households Individual data related to children Protection measures for children 3. Categorisation of social policies and programmes 4. Determination of impact of each category (type) of programme on child protection
Methodology - Reference documents - Taking into account political changes since 1997, the following programmes/plans have been identified for study: Programme Triennal Minimum 1 (1997-1999) Programme Triennal Minimum Actualisé (1999-2001) PIR (Programme Intérimaire Renforcé, 2001) Programme Multisectoriel d’Urgence pour la Réhabilitation et la Reconstruction (2002-2005) PRSP (2006-2010) CAF/UNDAF ( 2007)
Methodology - Data source - Data from surveys : DHS(2007), 1-2-3 survey (2003) and MICS (1995, 2001) Data from Households survey carried out in 1999 (ENHAPS, 1999) Socioeconomic data (Annual Reports from Ministry of Planning, World Bank, Central Bank and UN agencies)
Methodology - Timeframe (2008) - 20-31 january : Choice of methodology (Friday meetings) 01 February- 06 March : Data collection Desk review and visits to ministries and UN agencies 26 February : Workshop with stakeholders (Experts from key ministries) 07 March- 03 April : Data analysis 04 April : Submission of a preliminary Report to UNICEF Workshop for the validation of the report Finalization of the preliminary report 28 May : Submission of the final report
4. Composition of DRC Team Two thematic teams (Statisticians and Experts in policy/programme analysis) ; Areas covered by team : Health, Nutrition, Education, Protection, etc.… For each Team : 1 researcher and 1 or 2 Assistants,including at least 1 woman Competencies in each team : Public Health, Nutrition, Demography, Economics and Sociology, Law Total Number of researchers : 6 (3 from research centre and 3 from ministries)
5. Progress made Recruitement of team members: done ToRs analysis and adaptation : done Data collection : ongoing Methodological issues identified
6. Constraints Data on public expenditures : not reliable at provincial level No census carried out since 1984 Data on insurance and « Public care institutions »: not available Data on utilisation of revenue (budget) by households: not available
7. Adaptations Region = Province In terms of public expenditures, no possibility to distinguish between « Upper et Lower secondary school » Additional tables on specific issues
8. Specific concerns The study should cover issues linked to consequences of the war Social reintegration Mental health issues Scope of sexual violence Situation of child soldiers