Literary Terms Part 2
The act of creating and developing a character. Characterization The act of creating and developing a character.
Major Character Includes the main character or any other character who play significant roles.
A character who does not play a significant role in the story. Minor Character A character who does not play a significant role in the story. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
The hero of the story; he or she is a main character. Protagonist The hero of the story; he or she is a main character. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
The bad guy in a story; he or she works against the main characters. Antagonist The bad guy in a story; he or she works against the main characters.
Direct Characterization TELLING The way an author describes or reveals a character, through the use of descriptive adjectives or phrases.
Indirect Characterization SHOWING The author showing the audience what kind of person a character is through the character’s thoughts, words, and deeds. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
A character who does not change in the course of a work. Static Character Flat A character who does not change in the course of a work.
Dynamic Character Round A character who greatly changes in the course of a story.
A struggle within a character. Internal Conflict A struggle within a character.
A struggle between a character and an outside force. External Conflict A struggle between a character and an outside force.