Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS The SHOPFLOOR solution is the production planners playground for sequencing and prioritizing the execution of production orders, and subsequent the tool for the shop floor operators, to carry out the planned jobs. The SHOPFLOOR solution facilitates paperless execution with extensive job data collection capabilities, but also supports time and attendance operations, advanced quality assurance, and lot and serial number management. This short introduction to SHOPFLOOR will take you through 2 parts of the system - a planning part and an execution part. We start off in the planning part. Click on link SHOPFLOOR - Planning
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Here you see a list of all defined production resources, or planning points - machines, work centers, people, and work center groups, as defined in standard NAV. For example click on the work center 100, to work with the detailed planning on this work center.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Before doing anything, please notice that this display for a work center, an operator or a machine, or even factory total, consists of 3 sections - running orders, orders ready here, and orders coming here later. This approach is similar to everyday situations, where waiting lines or queues occur. Think about checking in at the airport. Some people are being served at the check-in desk. This is the same as running orders, others are queuing up in the waiting line to the check-in desk. This is the same as ready here, and others again are still on their way to the airport, heading for the same flight. This is the same as orders coming here.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Various underlying information is available to see for the individual order line. Click on the different toolstrips - here an example of the Production order Routing
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Normally the order sequence is ruled by the default SHOPFLOOR setup - order due date, order start date, or other. This priority can be overruled by the planner, changing to a expedite or defer order using the priority toolstrip. Click on the toolstrip Priority.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the drop down button Priority
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the cell with the priority value of 6 +++
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the toolstrip Notes, to see the detailed execution instructions.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the cell Note to see any notes
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the cell Capacity percentage with the value 0,1, to see the actual work center load for this order operation.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the cell Capacity percentage with the value 0,1
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the toolstrip, previous or Next Period, to see the load graphically.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Now we turn to the operator shopfloor client. Click on NAVEKSA Manufacturing execution execution client on the process bar. The SHOPFLOOR client is a seperate application which runs on a PC, a touch based tablet or other. The client runs on a limited NAV user model.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on 100 - Assembly department.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on Assembly department.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button .
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on BOM - bill of material
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button Production order shortage button, to see any material shortages that prevent production execution of this order.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS You can also see drawings and other production documentation. Click on the button Close the display
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Who of the planners shall receive this message. Click on a person you want to send this message to.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Key the text you want to send as a message to the planner. Here it is: info for you. Click send.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Now you want to start a job. Click on the Start button
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS You must identify the resource who is supposed to run this job, by selecting a production resource, -an operator, a machine, or both.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on 110. This is the employee number for Mike Seamans
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Now we want to finish this order operation. Click on the order for our new product.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the input field .
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on 9. We have produced 9 good pieces.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on Scrap. We want to report 1 in scrap.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button OK.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the button Yes.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Now we want to return to the SHOP FLOOR application inside Dynamics NAV, and have a look at the shopfloor setup.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on navigation item Departments, Naveksa, Setup
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on link SHOPFLOOR - Setup, to see all the possible setup parameters, to tailor the application to suit your needs
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS A few examples are shown. For example, Click on the textbox Placement first Operation.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the drop down button Placement first Operation, to see the various options, and select one.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the drop down button Sorting Date, to determine the default sequence of ordersin the 3 order sections.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS Click on the drop down button, Placement Send Ahead, to tell the system in what section these orders should go.
Using SHOPFLOOR to PLAN and EXECUTE PAPERLESS And this way it continues with all the questions. This is the implementation part of the shop floor solution. Click on the button OK and you are now running, as you want in your company. Very short you have seen the basic principles of the shop floor solution. All these basic principles can be extended as you want. With QA controls, lot and serial number controll, bundled production, variable material issue, operator running more jobs on different machines at the same time, and much more.