ZAP 2015
Zap Student Information Form
Letter to Parent and Conference Schedule Form
Claremore High School Information
Claremore High School Information
Bell Schedules
Claremore High School Information C H S Graduation Plan Choices: SY 2015-2016 28 credits are required to graduate from Claremore High School. Each student has the opportunity to earn 8 credits during the regular school year. Beginning with the Class of 2012, students must meet ACE proficiency in four End-of-Instruction (EOI) test areas; two of which must be in Algebra I & English II. The other five tests areas include: Geometry, Algebra II, Biology, English III, and US History. If necessary, alternate scores may be applied to meet ACE proficiency. Beginning with the class of 2014, students must receive instruction in the 14 areas of Personal Financial Literacy. Multiple methods of achieving this will be available. A parent or guardian must choose a graduation plan for their student. This plan will steer yearly enrollment toward graduation requirements; the plan may be changed upon request. An opt-out letter must be signed IF a parent or guardian chooses the standard graduation plan.
CHS College Prep/Work Ready Graduation Plan Two Options: World Language*** or Computer Technology
CHS Standard Graduation Requirements
*****Any student that feels he/she will be eligible to receive an athletic scholarship at a Division I or II college should enroll in the World Language Graduation Plan. This meets NCAA requirements.
Claremore High School Information
Claremore High School Information
Oklahoma’s Promise Only for 8-10 grades
All other items remain in the ZAP folder Items to take home OK’s Promise letter (class of 2017 & 2018) Letters will be mailed with ZAP schedule dates and times All other items remain in the ZAP folder