cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North Document Collections 2 cs5984: Information Visualization Chris North
Visualization Strategies Cluster Maps Keyword Query Relationships Reduced representation User controlled layout
Cluster Maps Kohonen Themescapes
Galaxy of News Cluster map with full text Zooming
Keyword Query Tilebars
VIBE Korfhage, http://www.pitt.edu/~korfhage/interfaces.html Documents located between query keywords using spring model
Keyword Query Good: Bad: Reduces the browsing space Map according to user’s interests Bad: What keywords do I use? What about other related documents that don’t use these keywords? No initial overview Mega-hit, zero-hit problem
Relationships Show inter-relationships Matrix or Complete Graph Salton Similarity measure between all pairs of docs Threshold level Salton
Variations Docs + Paragraphs Themes
Citation Networks Butterfly Browser Mackinlay,… (PARC) Butterfly: Left = refs Right = citers Yellow = #citers Blue = visited 3d plot: date, Name, # citers
Relationships Better for smaller, more detailed map Scale up: Network visualization Good: Can see more complex relationships between/within documents Can act like hyperlinks! Bad: Finding specific documents Scale up difficult
Reduced Representation Bederson, “Image browsing” Rui, Anusha
User controlled layout Card, “WebBook and Web Forager” Mrinmayee, Ming http://vtopus.cs.vt.edu/~north/infoviz/webbook.mpa
Next Week Tues: 3-D data Thurs: Workspaces Thanksgiving break Kniss, “Interactive Volume Rendering with Direct Manip” xueqi, mahesh Thurs: Workspaces Robertson, “Task Gallery” supriya, varun Upson, “AVS” christa, jun Thanksgiving break Tues 27: Debates Kobsa, “Empirical comparison of comm infovis systems” kunal, zhiping
Upcoming Sched Tues: 3-D data Thurs: Workspaces Thanksgiving break Tues 27: Debates, 2D vs 3D Thurs 29: How (not) to lie with visualization Dec: project presentations Dec 7: CHI 2-pagers due, student posters due