FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFRICA - The Example of Cameroon - by MUSIC & ARTS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFRICA - The Example of Cameroon - by Culture Pour Tous (CPT) e.V. Arnold Bwele 1 1
CONTENTS 2 1. Who are we 2. What we do 3. What we aim 4. What we need
WHO WE ARE 3 Culture Pour Tous (CPT) e. V. English: Culture, Arts for the Poeple Registred Association (Reg. Nr. VR 6943) in Germany Projects in Cameroon and Germany 3 3
WHAT WE DO 4 Cultural Activities to: 1. Enhance Sustainable Development (SDG) Goal 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth Goal 1: No Poverty 2. Promote Human Rights Produced the Song: „Va Voter“ Promote the Campaign: „One Person, One Vote“ 4 4
WHAT WE AIM 5 Founding a Creative Space in Cameroon: 1. Centre for Creative Economy Training and Knowledge Transfer 2. Startup Camp for Creatives Creative and Social Entrepreneurship 5 5
WHAT WE NEED Empowerment Network Finance 6 6
SAMPLE PROJECTS 7 Period Project Partner 2017 - 2020 Dezember 2015 2010 - 2011 Creative Kribi (CK21) Festival Handicap Micro One Person, One Vote CIM/GIZ Too Cooleur/Ville de Lyon 7 7