Propulsion Systems Flight and Space © 2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Propulsion System A machine that produces thrust to push an object forward The amount of thrust depends on the mass flow through the engine and the exit velocity of the gas On airplanes, thrust is usually generated through some application of Newton's third law of action and reaction. A gas, or working fluid, is accelerated by the engine, and the reaction to this acceleration produces a force on the engine.
Airplane Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Airplane Propulsion Systems Propeller Turbine (jet) engine Ramjet or Scramjet Rocket Planes
Why Are There Different Types of Engines? Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Why Are There Different Types of Engines? Newton’s 1st Law Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless something pushes or pulls on the object. Therefore: Thrust from the propulsion system must balance the drag when the airplane is cruising. Thrust from the propulsion system must exceed the drag for the airplane to accelerate. You must have the correct type of engine (propulsion system) to provide the correct amount of thrust.
Aircraft Motion Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Aircraft Motion
Propulsion System Piston Engines and Propellers Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Propulsion System Piston Engines and Propellers Remember that internal combustion (gasoline) engines require oxygen to ignite the fuel, and therefore need to fly at lower altitudes Used most commonly on smaller aircraft They generally fly slower, and at lower altitudes
Propulsion System Piston Engines and Propellers Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Propulsion System Piston Engines and Propellers A propeller system takes the rotary motion from a motor and converts it into thrust. It has multiple blades attached to a central shaft, and works like a rotating screw or wing. The blades are often airfoil shaped, thus utilizing both Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s third law to produce forward motion.
Airliners and Cargo Planes Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Airliners and Cargo Planes Spend most of the time in a cruise state High engine efficiency and low fuel usage more important than excess thrust Turboprop and turbofan propulsion used on airliners and cargo planes Since thrust depends on both the amount of gas moved and the velocity, we can generate high thrust by accelerating a large mass of gas by a small amount, or by accelerating a small mass of gas by a large amount. Because of the aerodynamic efficiency of propellers and fans, it is more fuel efficient to accelerate a large mass by a small amount. That is why we find high bypass fans and turboprops on cargo planes and airliners.
Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Propulsion Systems Jet propulsion is similar to the release of an inflated balloon.
Propulsion Systems Turbojet First really useful jet engine built PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Propulsion Systems Turbojet First really useful jet engine built The turbojet was the first really useful jet engine to be built. The air flows into the engine through the air intak. The design of the inlet makes the air slow down and also raises the pressure. The air then goes through the compressor where sets of blades compress the air even more, greatly raising the pressure. The air then enters the combustion chamber where the fuel is added and ignited. The very hot, high pressure air rushes past the turbine blades, making them spin very fast. The turbine blades are connected back to the compressor blades by a shaft. The turbine blades take some of the energy from the air and return it to the compressor. The hot, high pressure air that gets past the turbine "jets" out the exhaust nozzle, thrusting the engine forward. Turbojets are very inefficient and noisy at subsonic speeds. Most modern plans use turbofans and turboprops.
Propulsion Systems Turbofan Turboprop PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Propulsion Systems Turbofan Adds a large set of fan blades at the front of the inlet Turboprop The fan from turbofan is replaced with a propeller The fan works much like a propeller, thrusting the engine forward and pushing a large amount of air backwards. As the air is pushed back by the fan, some of it goes into the engine and some bypasses the engine. The engine that sits behind the fan is basically a turbojet. The air that goes into this engine receives the same treatment as the air that goes through the turbojet. The turboprop engine is essentially a turbofan engine where the fan is replaced by a propeller. The propeller is placed outside of the inlet.
Fighter Planes and Hypersonic Aircraft Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Fighter Planes and Hypersonic Aircraft Require high excess thrust to accelerate quickly and overcome high drag associated with high speeds High thrust is more important than engine efficiency
Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics A ramjet is a form of jet engine which uses the engine's forward motion to compress incoming air, without a rotary compressor. Ramjets cannot provide thrust at zero airspeed, and therefore, cannot move a plane from standstill. They require a forward speed of at least half the speed of sound (Mach 0.5) A scramjet or” super combustion ramjet” uses the same principles as the ramjet. However, the minimum functional speed, requires acceleration by other means to hypersonic speed before the scramjet can become active. Ramjets slow the incoming air to a subsonic speed within the combustor. Scramjets require the airflow through the engine to be at hypersonic speed. Both function best at hypersonic (above Mach 3) speeds. NASA is currently testing the X-43 at speeds of Mach 10.
Rocket Powered Airplanes Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Powered Airplanes Uses a rocket engine for propulsion Has higher speeds Propels only for a short period of time Also known as a rocket plane, it is an aircraft that uses a rocket for propulsion, sometimes in addition to air-breathing jet engines (known as Jet Assisted Take Off). They can fly at much faster speeds than a jet aircraft of similar size, but only work for a few minutes, followed by a glide. Because they are powered by a rocket which does not need oxygen from the atmosphere, they are good for very high altitude flight. They also accelerate faster, and therefore have shorter takeoffs. Unusual launch configurations From another plane Vertically – nose in the air and tail to the ground
Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Propulsion Engine pushes itself forward or upward by producing thrust A rocket engine uses only propellant carried within it A rocket can operate in outer space, where there is almost no air Unlike a jet engine, which draws in outside air, a rocket engine uses only the substances carried within it. Click on 3-2-1 Liftoff to show video of rocket launch.
3 – 2 – 1 Liftoff! Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics 3 – 2 – 1 Liftoff!
How Do Rocket Engines Work? Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics How Do Rocket Engines Work? Newton’s 3rd Law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Rocket engines generate thrust by putting a gas under pressure. The gas escaping the rocket is called exhaust. As the rocket pushes the exhaust backward, the exhaust pushes the rocket forward. The vast majority of rockets are chemical rockets. The two most common types of chemical rockets are solid-propellant rockets and liquid-propellant rockets. Engineers have tested a third type of chemical rocket, called a hybrid rocket, that combines liquid and solid propellants. Electric rockets have propelled space probes and maneuvered orbiting satellites. Researchers have designed experimental nuclear rockets.
Rocket Propellant Solid-Fuel Rockets Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Propellant Solid-Fuel Rockets Burn a solid material called the grain Engineers design grains with a hollow core Propellant burns from the core outward Unburned propellant shields the engine casing from the heat of combustion Rocket designers often choose solid propellants for rockets that must be easy to store, transport, and launch. Military planners prefer solid-propellant rockets for many uses because they can be stored for a long time and fired with little preparation. Solid-propellant rockets often serve as sounding rockets and as boosters for launch vehicles and cruise missiles. They are also used in fireworks.
Rocket Propellant Solid-Fuel Rockets Hollow Core Solid Fuel Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Propellant Solid-Fuel Rockets Hollow Core Solid fuel rockets are currently being designed with an 11 point star as the hollow core. This provides more surface area which will burn faster, producing more thrust for a short period of time. Once it burns past the points of the star, the fuel will burn more uniformly and slower. Solid Fuel
Rocket Propellant Liquid-Fuel Rocket Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Propellant Liquid-Fuel Rocket Carries fuel and oxidizer in separate tanks Fuel circulates through cooling jacket before entering combustion chamber Circulation preheats the fuel for combustion and helps cool the rocket Liquid propellants usually produce greater thrust than do equal amounts of solid propellants burned in the same amount of time. Scientists use liquid-propellant rockets for most space launch vehicles. Liquid-propellant rockets serve as the main engines of the space shuttle. Fuel and oxidizer are cool. They are passed along side the combustion chamber to warm up to burn better.
Rocket Propellant Ion (Electric) Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Propellant Ion (Electric) Coils are heated to change a fuel, such as xenon, into a vapor Hot platinum or tungsten ionization grid changes the flowing vapor into a stream of electrically charged particles called ions Electric rockets use electric energy to expel ions (electrically charged particles) from the nozzle. Solar panels or a nuclear reactor can provide the energy. An electric rocket cannot produce enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity. Electric rockets used in space must therefore be launched by chemical rockets. Once in space, however, the low rate of mass flow becomes an advantage. It enables an electric rocket to operate for a long time without running out of propellant. Another type of electric rocket uses electromagnets rather than charged screens to accelerate xenon ions. This type of rocket powers the SMART-1 lunar probe, launched by the European Space Agency in 2003. (Xenon is stripped of electrons by the ionization grid, making it positive. It then accelerates towards the accelerator, and then out the nozzle.)
Rocket Propellant Nuclear Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Rocket Propellant Nuclear Uses heat from a nuclear reactor to change a liquid fuel into a gas Some of the fuel, heated by the nozzle of the rocket, flows through the turbine Turbine drives the fuel pump The exhaust speed of a nuclear rocket might reach four times that of a chemical rocket. By expelling a large quantity of hydrogen, a nuclear rocket could therefore achieve high thrust. However, a nuclear rocket would require heavy shielding because a nuclear reactor uses radioactive materials. The shielding would weigh so much that the rocket could not be practically used to boost a launch vehicle. More practical applications would use small nuclear engines with low, continuous thrust to decrease flight times to Mars or other planets. Nuclear rocket developers must also overcome public fears that accidents involving such devices could release harmful radioactive materials. Before nuclear rockets can be launched, engineers must convince the public that such devices are safe.
Our own experiments on jet propulsion! Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics What’s Next? Our own experiments on jet propulsion!
Propulsion Systems PLTW Gateway Unit 4– Lesson 4.2– Aeronautics Image Resources Microsoft, Inc. (2008). Clip art. Retrieved September 10, 2008, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2008). Beginner’s guide to propulsion. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2008). NASA TV Video Gallery. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2008). NASA – A closer look at the X-43 mission. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2007). NASA – Rocket. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from