Lastnamebirthmonthbirthday Pre AP – August 15, 2018 DO NOW: Pick up a laptop and log in If you have not logged in to a computer yet this year, your login is: Username: your student ID (lunch number) Password: Password1 Once you have logged in, you will be asked to change your password. You MUST use the following for your new password: Lastnamebirthmonthbirthday Example: hanson1027 All lower case – two digit month and day Once you have logged in, go to my website and await further instructions
Under your Pre AP tab, find the document: RHETORICAL PRECIS TEMPLATE
(Fancy word for “summary”) The Rhetorical Precis “pray –see” (Fancy word for “summary”)
SENTENCE ONE: In his __editorial ___, _“Trump Owes Orwell for 1984. Big Brother is his Role Model”__ , (article, essay, short story, editorial, speech) (title of text appropriately punctuated) author __Brian Klaas__ ______contends____________ that (name of author) (rhetorically accurate verb: argues, suggests, notes, etc.) _The invasive and dangerous practices from Orwell’s dystiopian future world of 1984 are being put into practice in the United States today. (the author’s main assertion, argument, position, etc. [thesis]).
SENTENCE TWO: __ Klaas __ develops/supports his __contention___ by first, (author’s last name) (change rhetorical verb to noun) __describing how statistics unfavorable to Pres. Trump have been purged from public view, __then __comparing the current government to a totalitarian regime in Zambia,___ and finally,___ by suggesting that Pres. Trump manipulates the truth in order place himself in a favorable light. (accusing, implying, comparing, illustrating, defining, proving, etc.)
SENTENCE THREE __ Klaas's __’s (author) purpose is to __ warn of the potential dangers of (author’s last name) (persuade, criticize, explain, entertain, inform, describe) allowing this behavior to go unchecked_ in order to convince his audience that truth matters and we cannot allow the government to manipulate it. (what author wants reading audience to react to: feel and/or do)
SENTENCE FOUR _ Klaas __ uses a(n) sarcastic yet cautionary___ tone for __________ (author’s last name) (tone word 1) (tone word 2) __American citizens, and specifically, future voters. (author’s intended audience)
In his editorial, “Trump Owes Orwell for 1984 In his editorial, “Trump Owes Orwell for 1984. Big Brother is his Role Model,” author Brian Klaas contends that the invasive and dangerous practices from Orwell’s dystopian future world of 1984 are being put into practice in the United States today. Klaas develops his contention by first, describing how statistics unfavorable to Pres. Trump have been purged from public view, then comparing the current government to a totalitarian regime in Zambia, and finally, by suggesting that Pres. Trump manipulates the truth in order place himself in a favorable light. Klaas's purpose is to warn of the potential dangers of allowing this behavior to go unchecked in order to convince his audience that truth matters, and we cannot allow the government to manipulate it. Klaas uses a sarcastic yet cautionary tone for American citizens, and specifically, future voters. The Final Product…
Your Turn! I will give you an article You should annotate it in the usual way: Identify the thesis Identify the evidence provided to support the thesis Look for diction that suggests the author’s tone When done annotating the article, you will create a Rhetorical Precis using the template on my website. You may handwrite your work, or use the Gmail you set up for this class and type it in Google Docs (then share it with me). If you haven’t set up a Gmail for the class, now’s a good time. Instructions are on the website under “Summer Reading”