Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel North American Numbering Council (NANC) Billing & Collection Working Group (B&C WG) June 17, 2014 Co-Chairs: Tim Decker, Verizon Rosemary Emmer, Sprint Nextel
Mission Statement / Area of Responsibility The Billing and Collection Agent Oversight Working Group (B&C WG) was formed by and reports to the North American Numbering Council (NANC) and is responsible for overseeing the performance of the functional requirements provided by the North American Numbering Plan Billing and Collection Agent (B&C Agent). The B&C WG will investigate/review the performance of the B&C Agent and submit reports at each NANC meeting to fully inform NANC of the B&C Agent’s performance with respect to the functional requirements. The B&C WG will identify and determine the financial impact, feasibility and/or the appropriateness of initiatives/activities that may need to be included in the budget.
Current Activities/Discussion Topics Monthly Billing and Collections Oversight Monthly Evaluation of Deliverables B&C Agent Contract Funding Year NANC Action Item
Contract Renewal The contract expired October 1, 2009. Welch LLP received an extension through 2014.
History of NANP Fund Size and Contribution Factor
Funding Year We are discussing moving the funding year to align with the federal fiscal year, we feel the month of September would be an ideal timeframe for our budget. Currently the funding year ends in June. We bill in June based on revenue figures received in May and we collect beginning in July. The Form 499A is due in April and USAC requires time to collate the data in April and May, which does not give us much time for planning our budget. We are in the beginning stages of planning. We would need a year notice in order to set the contribution factor higher to carry us through transition of 3-4 months. We would then bill for a 15-16 month timeframe for that unique (one time) cycle.
Analysis of Carrier fees who are billed on an annual basis based on 2013 NANP billings Annual Fee range # carriers % $25 3,781 64.92% Between $25 and $1,000 1,802 30.94% Between $1,000 and $5,000 156 2.68% Between $5,000 and $10,000 34 0.58% Between $10,000 and $25,000 25 0.43% Between $25,000 and $50,000 14 0.24% Between $50,000 and $100,000 7 0.12% > $100,000 5 0.09% 5,824 100.00%
NANC Action Items Approve Billing and Collection Agent funding year change proposal.
B&C WG Membership AT&T Cox Sprint CenturyLink Verizon T-Mobile
Future Meetings/Contact Information Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Contact the Co-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details or B&C WG meeting notes and documents are posted at: