TEAM FRITOS THE NOT SO AVERAGE JOE STAMPER Ryan Jachowski Stephen Oi Christiana Folorunso-Ukoli Kaara Anderson
DESIGN -A marble rolls down 2 ramps. -It lands on mousetrap1 that hits ball1 into ball2. -Ball2 projects out of the pipe and hits a wall. -The wall triggers mousetrap2. -Mousetrap2 with the stamp attached to it, swings around and stamps the paper.
CONSERVED ENERGY MARBLE BALL1 BALL2 Gravitational Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy BALL1 Conservation of momentum BALL2 Projectile Motion
DESIGN ISSUES The Actual Design Round Objects Conservation of Momentum Many ideas, but which one will work?! Round Objects Marble, Ping-Pong balls We had to construct barriers and ramps to control their paths. Conservation of Momentum The Collision Finding a way for ball1 and ball2 to collide was difficult.
CONCLUSION -Through all the problems and more than 8 hours of planning and building, we were able to make the NSAJ Stamper a success. Before After